chapter 7 || goodbyes ♥︎

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|| Aaliyah's POV ||

Since finding out I got into the College, my life has never been better. I'm finally ready for change.

My 4 bags sit anxiously waiting for my departure at the front door. The only person I haven't spoken to since I found out id made it into the college is my mom. My dad told her the news, and since then she's been staying in a hotel to avoid me.

"I'm going to drop Aaliyah off at the station guys, come say your goodbyes." My dads voice echoes through the kitchen as grandma and Johnathon rush down the stairs to see me off.

They hug me one by one, followed by a kiss from Bernard as he barks vocally up at me as tears begin to pour down my face.
"I'll be back in a couple of months for my break." I sob, unable to contain myself. 

We step into the truck and zoom down the deserted driveway, silence filling the air.
"You're going to do great things Aaliyah, you know that right?" He blurts out, smiling at me as I go through my bags, checking everything is there.
"I hope so." I smile back.

We eventually reach the quiet train station. The car park is only taken up by 3 mucky cars, all completely separated.
"Bye dad, I'll see you soon." I tell him, carry all my bags over to the train station, this time, I manage to contain my tears, it's all becoming real.

As I wait for my train, I notice two teenage girls sitting opposite me cuddling closely as one kisses the others forehead gently.

This fills me with joy. I wish that would happen to me. wait WHAT? Did I just say that? No, I don't want that, I'm not lesbian, what's going on with me?

My train eventually pulls up and I hop on with my heavy bags and headphones packed in my ears. I listen to "girls like girls."

The train journey feels so short. I'm eventually greeted by the busy train stations of the big city. I hop off at midtown Manhattan, just a 10 minute walk from my new apartment.

I practically run to my apartment, through the busy crowds and Icy floors of the crowded yet beautiful city, shortening the journey to about 5 minutes.

I look around at my surroundings. The buildings proudly stand tall on the sky, each beautifully lit up like a bright galaxy. The stunning silhouette of sunset hangs in between small gaps between each mesmerising building opposite me.

I enter the code for my apartment that I was sent on my phone, the light turns green, the best kind of green. I practically and stylishly fling the door open to be greeted by the cutest, most modern apartment I've ever seen.

As I'm renting it, there is already furniture spread out around the room perfectly, each sofa looking extremely comfortable and each piece of kitchenware looking extremely polished and fine.

I flop down on the sofa squealing with excitement as the busy sound of New York, the sirens and the angry drivers never stops.

girls like girls ♥︎Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant