Magical First Kiss (Christmas)

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You were trudging through the snow as you used your arm to shield yourself from the howling wind. Snowflakes were whipping past you, and you were sure that you would have frostbite on your nose soon. Even with your extra thick, dark grey coat with matching boots and gloves, plus a red hat, you were almost freezing to death. You fell backwards as you bumped into something, although it confused you because it was too soft to be a tree. 

"Y/N," you heard a voice ask in disbelief. 

You had no idea how the person could see you in the swirling world of white. 

"Yeah, it's me," you lamely responded, feeling them grasp your hand, which you almost gasped when you felt the familiar sparks searing through it. 

The time before this had happened both of you had ripped your hands apart so quickly it almost hurt. In this moment though, they seemed to have no intentions of letting go as you finally stumbled to your feet. 

"Come on," you heard the mysterious person tell you. You obeyed as you gratefully followed another human being through the monster of a blizzard. Soon you were walking through a door, and even without heat, this place was ten times warmer without the wind piercing through it. 

"I'll go turn on the heat," said the person who had just saved you. 

You began rubbing your arms in attempt to get some feeling back into them, and then you not only heard the furnace kick on, but also saw the lights flicker to life. You recognized this place as the Odd Squad safe house, but you had never been there before. You only heard about it through Owen when he got trapped there with another member of the squad around Halloween. 

"Thanks," you chattered as you continued shivering violently. 

When the person's face was cast into the light you could finally see the one and only, Agent Otis. 

"No problem," he replied properly. 

He couldn't help but notice how cold you were as he rushed over after finding a blanket in the closet. You blushed as he draped it over your shoulders, and then carefully led you over to a couch to sit on. As you started to warm up, you couldn't help but glance over at him and notice how rosy his cheeks were from the frigid temperatures outside. Another thing hit you though as it finally dawned on you that you would be late getting home to celebrate Christmas with your family. Even though you loved being with Otis, your heart couldn't help but ache. 

"You okay there, Y/N," wondered Otis, breaking you out of your depressed gaze. 

You shook your head a little bit as you reacted, "Oh. Sorry, I was just thinking about how I was supposed to be home for Christmas soon. Do you think we'll be able to get out of here by tomorrow?" 

You looked at him hopefully, but that shattered when you couldn't miss how doubtful he looked. 

"I'm sorry, Y/N, but I think the storm's too strong for anyone to go anywhere right now," he spoke. 

"But what about the tubes," you asked, feeling a lost warm feeling of hope. 

He sadly shook his head, and as your smile fell, he explained, "They haven't installed tubes into this house yet, and it would be impossible to find a tube entrance in the snow." 

You disappointedly nodded your head, now looking down at your lap. 

"Hey," said Otis, causing you to lift your head. 

"Yeah," you asked. 

"I have an ornament-inator gadget," he pointed out, holding up the device. 

You smiled weakly at him as you pulled out your own special gadget. 

"And I have a tree-inator," you smiled softly. 

He returned the gesture, as you both hung up your soaking wet coats and boots, before walking over to a nice corner in the room. You happily zapped an evergreen tree into existence, while Otis placed the bulbs carefully on it. 

"Do you, uh, want a turn," he offered awkwardly, avoiding your eyes as he held out his gadget. 

"Yeah," you answered, another silly smile attacking your face. 

Soon the green tree was filled with multiple colors of bulbs, the silver and gold ones sparkling extra bright. You were gazing up at them before you realized that Otis had been staring at you, causing your face to heat up. You decided to act as though you hadn't caught on to him doing that. 

"So... I bet you miss your family too," you reckoned. 

"We don't really celebrate Christmas together, ever since the incident...," he trailed off, causing you look over at him. 

Only this time his attention was focused on a glimmering, white bulb. 

"What incident...," you cautiously asked. 

"It's not important, just a part of my past that I'm not proud of," he claimed, going over to sit on the couch. 

You slowly followed before warily joining him, aware that you were on a touchy subject. 

"You don't have to tell me, Otis. I know that your past is a bit of a secret," you assured him, mustering a feeble, half-smile. 

He was looking at you now, but his blue orbs still seemed nervous and unsure. 

"Thanks," he told you, mirroring your small, half-smile. 

Just then you caught a glimpse of him messing with something behind his back. In the next instant he was looking up at a fresh bundle of mistletoe hanging from the ceiling. 

"Merry Christmas, Y/N," he spoke, his voice almost cracking. 

"Merry Christmas, Otis," you smiled back, carefully leaning forward. 

As his blue eyes remained wide open and you delicately caressed his cheek, you couldn't help but feel as though you were flying to the North Pole in a magical, first kiss. The best part was after a second or two, he kissed back, his own palm now against your smiling cheek.

A/N: Hey guys, sorry that this Christmas one shot is a bit late. I literally just got the idea today. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, and also that you have a Happy New Year! (: Thank you so much for reading. Please remember to comment, vote, and follow. It always means a lot to me. <3

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