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Today was finally the big day, yet you knew that for Otis it would be a dreaded one. Even though he was celebrating his birthday, you were aware that he hated attention. That's why you had set up something special for him, where no one else would be around. Not to mention you hoped that he might get the hint of your crush on him. Otis walked through headquarters, seeming more uptight than usual as he kept tightening his arms around his back. Everyone was shooting him knowing smiles, you knowing that he hated how they were acting. 

"Howdy do, Otis! Are you excited for your birthday," asked Oona as she popped out of nowhere. 

She was the master at doing that. You were discreetly observing the scene at your desk, curious as to how Otis would react. 

"Uh... It's just like any other day of the year. No big deal," he claimed as he shrugged it off. 

As soon as he planted himself on his chair though, Oona was appearing out of thin air beside him again. "Well, it is a big deal, because Olympia's planned you a surprise party...," she trailed off, shock hitting her face when she realized she had blown the secret. 

Otis sighed as he set the red folder down he had just went to organize. 

"I told her I didn't want anything special done for my birthday...," he noted, mainly to himself. 

"Please don't tell her I told you. I think I just ruined the surprise...," trailed off Oona. 

Otis raised an eyebrow at her as he sassily asked, "You think?" 

Oona seemed like she felt bad, but then Otis softened his expression. 

"Look, I'm glad you told me, Oona. It gives me more time to prepare," he reckoned. 

"Good, because I'm not the best at keeping secrets," Oona admitted. 

Otis sort of only halfway nodded, since his head stayed down as he turned to his paperwork. Oona now was bouncing off as you cautiously walked over to Otis's desk. You already could feel your face burning as you discreetly dropped a small, white envelope on the edge of his desk, ducking beneath Olympia's empty desk before he could catch you. You could hear rustling as he opened the note you had written for him, and you expertly zapped yourself with the gadget Oona had used at Halloween. Thankfully your best friend Octavia was in on your plan, so she was going to change you back to normal. Once you were invisible, you wouldn't be able to carry the device without it being seen floating in midair. You caught a glance of Otis almost failing at hiding a small smile as his eyes scanned the paper. 

"Hey, Otis," Octavia greeted awkwardly. 

You wanted to face palm yourself, since you had forgotten how bad she could be under pressure. 

"Hey, Octavia. What are you doing here," Otis wondered. 

"Just trying to find my gadget. Clumsy me... I dropped it somewhere...," she fabricated. 

"Here, let me help you find it," he offered, his chair's wheels squeaking across the smooth floor. 

"No! I've got it," she exclaimed, bumping heads with you when she reached down to grab the gadget. 

"Ow," she yelled as she held her forehead with the bottom of the palm of her hand. 

"What's wrong," inquired Otis, clearly concerned. 

"Nothing! Just hit my head on the... desk. Yeah, the deck. I mean, desk," she exclaimed as she corrected herself. 

She finally got the gadget, but as she left all she could do was laugh extra awkwardly, causing Otis to raise his eyebrows in surprise. Unfortunately you ran into Olympia's chair when trying to get up, and now he was staring in your direction. You couldn't help but race off, not blind to how your Odd Squad Converse shoes were smacking against the hard flooring. Otis shook his head when you looked back at him. 

Otis x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now