Moon Bear

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You couldn't help but practically bound around headquarters with your stuffed animal held closely to your chest. It was a black Moon Bear with soft fur and beautiful blue eyes. You were just so proud of the fact that Otis had gotten it for you. You two had been close ever since you arrived at headquarters, and everyone secretly knew you two liked each other. Even you were fairly sure that he had special feelings for you. You never confirmed them though, because you didn't want to wreck what you already had. The Moon Bear had been a present for your halfiversary. He had gotten the idea from when him and his partner, Olympia, celebrated the momentous occasion. Everyone was shocked that he was willing to go through that again, since last time he almost didn't get Olympia all of her gifts. Your anniversary didn't fall on a Friday or on the 31st of the month though, so that's why he only got you one present instead of three. You had just finished showing your newest, favorite thing to Oona when you happened to almost walk by the break room. You stopped though and hid by the wall out of view when you heard Otis's voice trailing out of the place. 

"I don't know how I'll ever get along with her. Out of everyone, she's the most annoying. She can never stop talking, which being partners with Olympia, you wouldn't think that would be a problem...," he trailed off. 

Confusion clouded your face on who he could be talking about, but with another peek, you saw that he was chatting with Ms. O. 

"But literally I just want to put my earbuds in, or focus on my work, so that she'll stop talking to me. (Y/N) is seriously the most annoying person I've ever met...," he continued, but you didn't wait to hear more. 

You had already dropped the gift that you no longer wanted anything to do with, and began running away as far as possible from the scene. You ended up down a strange hallway you had never seen before, but when a giant, blue blob almost attacked you, you tried another direction. 

"Hey! What are you doing down here? This is called, Owen's hallway, cause only I can use it," Owen emphasized, your lip already trembling from held in tears. 

His face softened when he saw how upset you seemed. 

"What's wrong," he wondered. 

"Otis said some mean things about me...," you struggled to explain. 

"You? But you two are inseparable. I helped him to pick out that Moon Bear for you. Actually, I was the one who recommended he get you a stuffed fish, but he said...," Owen rambled a bit, you already not listening to him anymore as you dropped your head. 

"Hey, I don't usually do this. But why don't you join me in the arcade room. It might get your mind off of things," he pointed out positively. 

You nodded your head as your lips still quivered, him carefully wrapping an arm around your shoulders to lead you there. 

"We have this cool game that Otto got trapped in once. The arcade upgraded to a new one, so we have this one now," he informed you as you almost shivered from the cold draft in the room. 

"Just be careful you don't touch this one button. After awhile, how Oscar fixed it didn't fully work anymore. You could get trapped inside for forever. Trust me on this one, you do not want that. Agent Ohlm had to get me out when it happened to me. He kept ramming me into the walls...," Owen recalled, you too upset to fully absorb any of his words. 

"No! Not that one," shouted Owen, but it was too late. 

You had lazily pushed the first button you saw, and now you were trapped inside of a game. 

"Oh no," you exclaimed, Owen's conversation seeming ten times more important now. 

You had even momentarily forgotten the pain of Otis's harsh criticism. 

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