We Made It

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You were scared, but you couldn't help it. Anytime there was just a tornado watch you feared the worst. That was one of the qualities you weren't the most proud of, yet you fought through it the best you could. You were always terrified by the thought of a tornado coming through, and ripping everything in its path, especially since you had seen those horrible videos on the news. You had even decided to stay at Odd Squad headquarters that night, in the hopes that it would be safer than your own home. Plus, you might not be able to hear the howling wind as easily. It had been blustery all day, and now there were tornado warnings left and right in the towns surrounding you. Almost everyone had hurried home, once the day was over, and even the night shift was told they didn't have to come in. It was very likely that there would be a tornado warning, and with a jump in your heart, you heard it finally announced that the risk had jumped up to 80%, and that a watch would be issued until 5 in the morning the next day. You were already shaking, as you sat with your knees hugged to your chest on your desk chair. You jumped though when you heard a clatter, your wide eyes staring in the direction of the sound. 

"Hey, where is everyone," none other than Agent Otis wondered.

 You could already feel the blush rising to your cheeks, since you had had a crush on him for ages. 

"They all went h-home. There might be a t-tornado tonight," you accidentally stuttered. 

"Huh, I must not have gotten the memo. Olympia had to leave early anyway for her grandmother's birthday," Otis explained. 

You barely nodded your head, as you jumped from a sudden boom of thunder. The lights even flickered, which frightened you further. 

"They said we could have severe storms all night, that could turn into tornados," you informed him as you gazed up at the ceiling. 

"For how long," Otis wondered, as he pulled his chair over next to yours. 

"I just told you, all night," you repeated as you looked at him. 

"No, what I mean is, when are the watches or warnings over," he questioned. 

"Oh... Actually I think the watch is until 5 this morning," you answered. 

"Okay, so...," trailed off Otis as he tapped his fancy watch. 

The screen popped up to show a number line with different hours. 

"It's about 5 p.m. right now, and the watch is until 5 a.m. So, that means we have exactly 12 hours, until the watch is over," he confirmed, tapping his screen back to its small size. 

"Don't you want to get home soon, so that you won't get in bad weather," you wondered. 

"It's probably better if I stay here anyway. Headquarters is pretty sturdy. Olo does a great job of gluing the place together," he noted. 

"Yeah," you agreed, jerking when another crash echoed from the sky. 

"It sounds pretty bad out there. What are you still doing here anyway," Otis asked you, his blue eyes gazing at you intently. 

You could feel the pink shade spreading across your cheeks again, as you answered, "I thought it might be safer here than my house." 

"I'm terrified of storms," you ended up muttering to your knees. 

He heard you though, because he responded, "It's okay, we'll get through them together." 

You smiled weakly, wondering how he could be so considerate and kind, for never really talking to you before. 

Otis x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now