Lit Up Your Entire Universe

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A/N: Hey guys. (: I hope you enjoy this one shot I just wrote. I would like to give credit to, Whisper_silent78 for coming up with the main idea of the reader having to find a partner. I loved coming up with the storyline surrounding it. Please follow her, and remember to vote and comment on this one shot. Thanks! (:

Today was finally the day that you would became an official Odd Squad agent. No more days at the academy, no more restless nights studying for the exams, and most importantly the chance to start your dream job. You couldn't believe your eyes when you first entered headquarters, the lights mixed with odd happenings drifting by being the most glorious sight you had ever seen. Not only were all the things you loved about Odd Squad there, but your eyes accidentally met with a pair of charming blue ones. This agent seemed backward as he jerked his head away from you, but his girl, red-headed partner was grinning from ear to ear. 

"Hi, my name's Olympia, and this is my partner, Otis," she greeted after she bounded over. 

Otis only gave you a curt nod with his arms situated behind his back, his gaze quickly dropping to the floor again. 

"You must be the new agent! Where's your partner," Olympia asked enthusiastically, already looking over your shoulder in all directions with her mouth hung open in excitement. 

"I don't know who my partner is yet," you admitted, Otis glancing upwards at you with only his eyes. 

"That's okay. Ms. O will know. She's the one that paired me up with Otis here," Olympia shared, pointing over her shoulder at Otis with her thumb. 

Otis simply nodded seriously again, his head now lifted, but his eyebrows scrunched together as though he only meant business. 

"I can show you to her office, if you want," Olympia happily offered. 

You shot her a small, grateful smile as you accepted her help, following after her as Otis lingered behind the two of you. 

"Here it is," Olympia announced, holding her arm out to the door that was clear, glass and wide open. 

"See you later... Oh! I didn't catch your name," realized Olympia in a raised volume. 

"It's, (Y/N)," you told her. 

"Great! See you later then, (Y/N)! Welcome to Odd Squad," she announced before almost skipping off with her high energy. 

Soon you were focusing only on the intimidating boss before you, her black hair swept tightly back into a proper bun. 

"(Y/N)! What is it," she asked a bit more calmly after she got her yell out. 

There was a juice box sitting on her desk with a crazy, twisty, plastic straw sticking out of it. 

"I-i don't have a partner," you accidentally stuttered from nerves. 

Ms. O growled in anger for a moment, causing you to fear that she was mad at you. 

"I told them to send me the paperwork to pair up every agent before the arrived," she exclaimed, standing up and walking over to her juice box bar. 

You were mostly thankful at the moment that she wasn't shouting at you this time. 

"Oona," she bellowed, a girl in a white lab coat with a green bowtie popping into view. 

She almost slid past the door as she tugged on her lab coat. 

"Howdy do, Ms. O! What seems to be the problem," she wondered cheerfully. 

"Please contact the academy, and find out why (Y/N) doesn't have a partner," she instructed. 

Otis x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now