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A/N: This is an idea I thought of after I was inspired by Hrvy's song, "Phobia." I love that song so much, and I hope that you enjoyed the one shot it lead me to create. If you want to check out the video, then I'll link it above. Anyways, please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thanks! <3 Oh by the way, (Y/G/F) stands for Your Greatest Fear in the story. <3

You had felt defeated over the past couple of weeks. No matter how hard you tried you couldn't crack the code for the villain in charge of causing oddness. All you knew was that besides the impossible clues and the invasion of ducks wherever the culprit had been, Ms. O had been specific on not letting Agent Otis and Olympia take the case. You figured she would since they were two of her best agents. You had never been assigned a partner, which proved your talent, but at the same time some cases were just too big or complicated for one person. This was one of them. You sighed in frustration as you kept going over the notes you had taken over the period of time the oddness first occurred. You dreaded it when Ms. O would yell at you to go out and work on the case again, because of another strike by the mystery person. You felt that the answers were in the information you had collected so far. You were just missing a vital piece of knowledge. You obediently travelled through the tubes to the scene of the crime for that day, noticing the groups of ducks waddling about. You tried your best not to complain as you tapped your special, red watch, the screen becoming bigger similar to an iPad's. You hurriedly started collecting the information, which consisted of the number of groups of ducks, how many were in each cluster, and also some equations the villain had left behind. Once the area was cleared you noticed that Agent Otis was coming your way. You barely registered that he was alone, and you hurriedly turned from him to fix your hair a bit. 

"Hey, (Y/N)," greeted Otis formally. 

As soon as he quit walking his arms were resting stiffly behind his back. 

"Hey, Otis," you responded with a weak smile. 

"Are you on a case right now," he wondered. You tried not to look puzzled that he seemed to have no idea about the hard case. 

"Yeah, I'm having trouble figuring it out," you admitted. 

"Here, maybe I can help," he offered. 

You looked at him warily as Ms. O's warnings of not involving him shot through your mind, but you decided to ignore them. Otherwise the whole town might be overrun with ducks, or your job might no longer exist. 

"Okay, let's say there are 10 birds in each cluster," you told him, bringing up your special watch again, and thankful that the pictures did not resemble ducks. 

They merely appeared to be a regular bird shape. "And there are 10 clusters," you added. 

"Then you could count by 10's. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100," Otis finished, barely lifting his arm to point at the various groups as he spoke. 

"Yeah, but then there's another clue," you pointed out. 

"Another clue," questioned Otis, his eyebrows raising a little in surprise. 

"Yeah, there are two number problems," you informed him. 

After Otis checked out the clues, you found out that it had been a complicated Algebra problem all along. The number of "birds" were the total number, and the equations consisted of x and y, along with other numbers. To be honest, your head hurt a bit from trying to figure it all out. 

"So, the answer in all would be 50," Otis finally concluded, you shaking your head some since you had zoned out a bit. 

"Oh. Thank you so much, Otis," you exclaimed. 

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