The Same Wish

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"Hi, (Y/N)..." Otis awkwardly trailed off as he drew his hand back. 

He was just about to wave to you, but his voice always got quieter the closer you got. You had already breezed by, since you were caught up in some stapled paperwork. Otis had tried everything to get you attention, but you were so busy, and he became so shy, that all of his attempts failed. One day he was called in for a special case with his partner, Olympia. Ms. O ended up accidentally also asking Oriele and Orielle for the same one though. Otis's heart leapt in his chest when he found out that if you did a favor for a unicorn, you got a wish, and their mission was to deliver an orb to cloud town. In a matter of seconds, he was actually joining in on the argument on which of them got to go. Ms. O told them though that she wasn't going to send four agents for one job. Otis's shoulders sagged, as he thought about how he wanted to use that wish more than anything for you to finally notice him. He was sure Olympia wouldn't mind, since she had caught on to how big of a crush he had on you. She had figured it out the day that you showed up, and his face turned a scarlet red. Everyone else just assumed he was sick, or something, which was farthest from the truth. After a series of challenges, hosted by Coach O, they had a good tie, and Otis reluctantly had to use his wish for Orielle and Oriele, to take their place during the second half of the mission. He was happy to do a compromise, but disappointed that he never got his wish. 

"Sorry, Otis," Olympia sadly smiled, since he had told her about it. 

"It's okay, partner," he claimed, leaving Ms. O's office in defeat, after they had arrived back to headquarters. 

His arms were locked behind his back as he travelled along the second floor. You both didn't see each other, since you were busy with paperwork again, which is what caused the two of you to collide. 

"Oh! I am so sorry! Otis, isn't it," you double checked, as you gathered all of your papers up around you. 

He was staring at you a bit with his eyebrow raised in surprise, leaning on the palms of his hands behind himself, since he had landed on his bottom. 

"Yeah...," he trailed off, having less words to say than usual. 

"I'm so sorry I ran into you. I'm (Y/N), by the way," you introduced as you stood up, and offered your hand. 

He cautiously took it as you helped to pull him to his feet. 

"Thanks," he murmured, dusting the creases out of his suit jacket. 

He couldn't look up either, as he could already feel his cheeks burning. 

"Are you okay," you wondered, noticing how red he had become. 

"Yeah, I'm fine," he stammered out, finally forcing himself to look at you. 

You smiled softly as you said, "Are you sure you don't need to go to the doctor's office? It's right there."

You pointed to the door that wasn't too far from Ms. O's office. 

"N-no. I'm fine," stuttered Otis, doing his best to walk confidently past you, but just then he was hit with something. 

"Flying goldfish coming through," announced Owen. 

Otis groaned as he held his head near his eyebrow, feeling even more embarrassed in front of you. 

"Are you sure you're okay," you couldn't help but giggle a little. 

"Yeah, fine," he pressed, but you didn't believe him. 

"If you say so...," you trailed off. 

"I can't believe what just happened," Otis complained quietly, as he moved past Olympia to get to his desk. 

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