2025: The Wedding

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A/n: Updating early as I'm traveling tomorrow.

This was it. Again. But this time, it was Hater and Dominator's big day. It seemed to have taken forever. Seemed like only yesterday that Dominator had come back and changed her ways.

Both were getting ready. Peepers was naturally the best man, and Sylvia and Eyela acted as the bridesmaids. Wander would be marrying them. They all prayed that Wander didn't scream in everyone's ears.

"Are you sure I look okay Peepers?" Hater nervously asked the Watchdog next to him.
"You look fine, sir." The Commander replied, using a lint roller to get rid of anything that made the borrowed suit scruffy. "Just take a deep breath."
Hater did so. "Any advice C. Peeps?"
"Just remember that you love her, and she's the person you want to spend the rest of your life with."
"I'm a little nervous."
"A common occurrence. Don't worry."


The majority of the wedding party were standing at the alter. Hater kept whispering to Peepers that it was taking forever.

When Dominator walked down the aisle, she wore a silk white wedding dress with a slit up to her left knee.

When she got to the alter, Wander started talking. "Dearly beloved. We are gathered her today to celebrate the union of Lord Hater and Lord Dominator. Any who object to this union, speak now or forever hold your peace."
"They'll destroy us all! Them individually are bad enough!" Came a voice from the back. Hater's fist began glowing with green electricity, but he was stopped by Peepers giving him a soft nudge and Dom looking at him in puzzlement.
Wander continued, "And now, the vows. Do you, Lord Hater, take Dominator to be your lawfully wedded wife? In sickness and in health, till death do you part?"
Hater just stared into her eyes until the best man whispered, "Sir, that's your cue."
"I-I Do."
"And do you, Lord Dominator, take Lord Hater to be your lawfully wedded husband? In sickness and in health, till death do you part?"
"What do you think? Hell yeah!"
"May I have the rings?"

Cornea, the ringbearer, approached them with the wedding rings. They slid the rings gently onto each other's fingers.

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss."

They did so to everyone's cheers. They were going to be very happy together...

A/n: Thought I'd put in a heartwarming chapter before the *ahem* tragedy starts.

I don't own Hater, Dominator, Peepers, Sylvia or Wander. I do own Eyela and Cornea.

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