Chapter 1

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Harry had been best friends with Ron and Hermione since the first train ride.

He always considered Hermione a friend, but since Ron hadn't he didn't want to object.

But now after all those years of having seen Hermione cry over the things Ron would do, he was starting to think that she liked him.

As of now, they were the only two people in the Gryffindor Common Room, so he could ask her.

But how would he? Without sounding jealous. And that's the last thing Harry would want to be, is jealous that his best friend is happy.

"Uh, Hermione?" He asked

She looked up from her book. "Oh come on Harry! Do you really still need help with that egg?"

"No,'s just I-uh-wanted to know why you said no to Neville, for the Yule Ball."

Her face became pale, and she started to tense. "Oh, I'm going with someone."

"I think that if you were, you would have told me." Harry said

Hermione didn't say anything. She was silent and avoiding his eye contact.

"Well, I won't let you stay back." He said getting up and walking over to Hermione "Hermione, will you go to the Yule Ball with me?"

Hermione smiled, but was hesitant to answer. She thought that she wanted Ron to ask her, but the pure bliss she felt in this moment when Harry asked her, it made her unsure.

"Yes." She let out a small laugh "Yes, I will go to the Yule Ball with you."

Harry then hugged her, wrapping his arms around her tiny waist. Hermione was laughing, she couldn't believe how happy this had made her.

They broke apart suddenly because they heard voices coming from the hall.

"Ginny. You're honestly so annoying with these questions." Ron said

"I have a right to know what happened with you and Fleur at the Great Hall." Ginny defended "The whole school is talking about it!"

When Ron came in he didn't say hello to his friends, instead he acknowledged them in a different way.

"Harry, Hermione" He said "Tell Ginny that it's fine that I don't have a date to the Yule Ball."

"Uh...what's going on exactly?" Hermione asked

"Ron embarrassed himself in front of the whole school." Ginny answered before Ron could say anything "He won't tell me how, but apparently Fleur Decleur is involved somehow."

Hermione laughed, and Harry tried to hide his smile.

"What's so funny? You two don't even have a date!" Ron snapped

"Actually we're going together." Harry said

"I knew it!" Ron yelled "I knew the two of you were dating. Ever since first year, I was just like 'oh wow, they will definitely become a couple.' And then, you guys always hug."

"Yeah? And?" Hermione asked

"Well, first in second year, you ran so far and then jumped in his arms. But then this year-with the dragons-you literally just jumped into his arms. I was looking at the two of you and I thought 'That wasn't a friendly hug, it's an I-love-you hug."

"Ronald! We are not dating!" Hermione yelled

"That's a lie." Ron said "And honestly Hermione, in our friendship, we don't lie to each other. So I would just like to state that you broke a rule. Take time to let that settle in."

Ron then turned away and went up to the boys' dormitories as Ginny went to the Girls'.

"Will you go to the library with me tomorrow?" Hermione asked as soon as Ron and Ginny went into their dorm rooms.

"Of course." Harry said "Why?"

"There's a book that contains advanced hexes. It just might come in handy now."

"Won't that be in the restricted section?"

"That's why I need you, Harry." She said "I need your invisibility cloak."

"Oh well then of course I'll come with you."

They both laughed at that idea, and spent the night in the common room.


"TEN GALLEONS GINNY!" Ron screamed in the common room waking Harry and Hermione with a start.

"What? Why?" Ginny asked

"Because I won the bet."

"I haven't betted on anything. You've gone mad." Ginny said crossing her arms across her chest "Anyways, I'll be at the Great Hall for breakfast. See you all there."

"So..." Ron said "What did you to do last night."

"I fell asleep reading." Hermione said

"Really? Because your copy of Hogwarts: A history is like...not that close to where you were sleeping."

"Ugh, Ronald! What exactly are you suggesting? You are so inappropriate!" Hermione yelled

"And you are so insufferable." He retorted

"And you're so in...uh inactive!"

"And you're so in-insightful!"

"Aww, Thank you Ron."

"Guys!" Harry yelled "Stop insulting each other!"

Ron was trying to contain his laugh. "Ha, insulting." He mumbled softly

Harry whacked him over the hid with a scroll of paper, but even he couldn't help smiling.

"C'mon, Let's go to the Great Hall." Hermione said

And the two of them followed her out of the common room.

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