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Camp Camp edition

Nerris is like- a really good singer. But she never sings in front of anyone

Preston was raised by his grandma- his parents got divorced when he was young, and neither of them thought they could take care of him, so his grandma volunteered to. Preston can be super old school because of this.

Max secretly brought his 3DS to camp. He plays Animal Crossing New Leaf on it.

Dolph stares at his art until he hates it, and lets Nurf take out his anger on it afterwards.
Nurf doesn't bully Dolph because of this.

Ered doesn't see her dads much, but she loves to hang out with them.

Neil and Harrison are both coffee addicts.

Space Kid isn't really close with anyone at camp, but he's trying to become friends with Nurf, Ered, and Dolph.

The drama squad(Preston, Harrison, and Nerris) are all actually pretty close friends, even if they bicker a lot. They tell each other everything.

Space Kid is the only camper that Daniel wouldn't kill. If Daniel had actually stayed at the camp for a while, Space Kid might even look up to him as a father figure, before he finds out he's a cultist. (Forget Dadvid- this is the shit (I still love Dadvid, though--)

If given the choice, David would definitely adopt Max, Harrison, and Nurf, for basically the same reason; He cares about them, and their parents don't treat them right. (Max's parents neglect him, Nurf's parents(and possibly family)are most likely in jail, and Harrison's parents are flat out terrified of their son.)

Daniel and Jen absolutely dispise each other.

Jasper is slowly going insane on Spooky Island.

Jasper was also killed by Campbell on Spooky Island, which is why he's still there- he can't move on until he's been avenged.

I'll probably come up with more eventually.

What do you dudes think of these?

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