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[I drew that picture up there do not steal it]
I dunno how many people are interested in Deltarune rn??
But I like
Aggressively want to rp it
I have a few scenarios of my own that I wanna do, but they both involve Seam and Jevil(I'd be Jevil), but we don't have to do them,,

My scenarios:

1 [Way before the events of Deltarune] - It's essentially Jevil's first day being the court jester and he's really nervous. This is how he and Seam meet, since Seam is the court magician.

2 [A little after the events of Deltarune] - Seam goes to visit Jevil for the first time since he was locked up- which was 100 years prior, and Jevil still has 100 more to go before he'll be released. The last time they'd interacted, Jevil had tore one of Seam's eyes out with Devilsknife(Seam replaced it with a button eye) and Seam locked Jevil away(Or, as Jevil put it, locked their entire race up) and broke the key. So, yeah. A little rocky.

Again, I'd play Jevil in either scenario, but we don't have to use either of them

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