Yeah okay I have a problem lmao,,

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Hamilton fucking drop-kicked me back into the fandom and I didn't know who else to tag?? So?? Here you go, totally not based on something I wanted to do in our rp,,

Hercules: Why do all of my friends have problems with their parents--
Hercules: Like- Alex's dad left and his mom died,
Hercules: Your parents disowned you-
John: Cause I'm the big gay,,
Hercules: Yeah-- next thing I know, Laf's gonna tell me his parents are dead, too-!
Lafayette: Ehm..well here's the thing,,
Herc, internally: Oh god oh fuck I fucked up shit he hates me fuck my life
Hercules, trying(and failing) to seem chill: Shit man, that sucks,, sorry bro I didn't realize,,,

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2019 ⏰

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