Some more fnaf stuff

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*Entire building burns down, spirits of the kids and Will are set free, Michael is killed*

Henry, outside the restaurant, with a box of matches and empty canisters of gasoline: I think the fuck not.

William: *Shows Elizabeth and the fnaf 4 crying child genuine love and support because they're his kids*

Michael, Will's oldest son: Hi

William: You were a mistake.

Michael: Father, I'm gay for my co-worker.

Jeremy, in the background: *Waves a bit*

William: I am, too. You're not special. *Motions to Scott*

Scott: Will, what the hell.

Fritz: I was fired on my first day of work.

Jeremy: I was the victim of the bite of 87.

Michael: I was scooped of my insides, and my family is pretty much dead.

Scott: Yeah, well, I'm fucking dead, so..

Hello, It's MeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ