Miss Maria Lewis

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Highschool!Maria bitches

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Highschool!Maria bitches

Headcanons for my favorite girl:
- Totally a lesbian
-James FUCKING Renolds was the only actual '''boyfriend''' she's had and?? He was the fucking worst??
-She and Aaron are really good friends!!
-She's the one who introduced him to Theodosia, actually
-And he gladly helped her break up with Reynolds
-She can, will, and has fought a bitch
-She and KGIII are drama buds
-She's not the best at English, writing wise, so she can relate to Lafayette
-She doesn't have a great reputation
-She and Thomas?? Fashion masters. You need advice? Them. The Team.
-She likes to sew, so she does make a lot of her own clothes
-She's super close with the Schuylers,,
-She fucking loves all that sappy romantic stuff and clichés. A candlelit dinner? Beautiful. Dancing together? She loves it. A picnic in the moonlight? She'll fucking marry you then and there


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