Hhhh I wanna rOLEPLAY

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I have a LIST

1. Some(but not all of) the modern!characters get sent back in time and end up in the roles of their historical counterparts, and they're confused af(Historical??)

2. Same thing as 1, but swapped(historical ends up in modern au)(Modern??)

3. Lafayette's a French exchange student and it's his first day in an American high school(Modern)

4. KGIII is struggling to get over a break up with GWash, convinced that "He'll be back", and ___ is trying to help KGIII move on.(Modern)

5. Alex and/or Lafayette are in foster care, and they end up staying at the Washington's house(And possibly end up getting adopted?? OwO Parents Washing Machine)(Modern)

6. During the middle of a debate, a crash of thunder comes from the sky, and throws Alex into a state of panic, because of PTSD from the hurricane(Historical OR modern)

7. Someone gets braces, and damn it, they're gonna get made fun of for it(Modern)

8. Alex and Thomas end up having to share a dorm(Modern)

9. John acts as kind of a 'guardian angel' for Philip, even though John's just a ghost who follows Pip around (Historical)

10. Maria gets the love and support she deserves, cause she's not that fucking bad you guys #MariaDefenceSquad (Any au for my gorl, I love her)

11. Idk man you can come up with smthn if you want cause I can't think anymore

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