Chapter 17

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Hey guys!! I've got a video attached in the media box, but DON'T play it yet! It's an extra surprise thing I did foe this chapter! I'll give you guys the okay somewhere in the chapter when you can watch it ;)

If the media box is for some reason not working (Wattpad's being REALLY testy lately), I'll be posting the link on the message board of my profile


Sam smiled nervously and nodded.

"I'm sorry to ambush you guys like this," she said. "But I needed to talk to you right away, so I thought this'd be the best way to do it."

"You shouldn't be here," Trixie said worriedly. "If someone sees you here-"

"I know," Sam said quickly. "It would be bad. So, could you guys let me inside, please?"

"Of course," Alana said, breaking free of her shocked daze and pressing a button on Midnight's control panel. The launch bay door swung open, and Sam rushed her VI-LT model doe in, the rest of the Shane Gang following after her.

Once they were all in, Kord pressed a button on his Mecha and the garage door shut. Sam sighed, immediately becoming more relaxed, and hopped down from her Mecha, the Shane Gang following suit.

"Let's head in and sit down," Eli said, leading the way into the living room. "We've kinda had a long day."

Alana sighed and fell down into her bean bag chair, unclipping her bandoleer and shoulder pad and tossing them on the coffee table. Sam sat on the end of the couch, closest to Alana, with Eli and Trixie beside her. Kord sat on a chair and Pronto, having somehow already rushed to the kitchen and grabbed a sandwich, plopped down on the ground in front of the coffee table to eat.

"So what happened that made you decide to come all the way out here?" Eli asked. "Don't you live out east?"

"Yes, it's not a quick ride. But after this morning I had to come," Sam said, folding her hands in her lap and looking down at them. "I want to start this off by saying that no matter what, I'm on your guys' side. The Shane Gang saved my life," she continued, glancing up at Alana for a moment, "and I won't forget that."

Eli frowned, and Alana leaned back and prepared herself for what sounded like a grim announcement.

"This morning, I attended a meeting between Blakk and my parents," Sam began. "Ever since the formal, they've been scheming together more and more. At first, it sounded like my parents were just providing funding to Blakk Industries in a business partnership with Gray Enterprise. But it's more than that now. This morning, my parents made a deal with Blakk to provide him with tons of equipment for him and his workers."

Eli frowned and folded his arms. "What kind of equipment are we talking about?"

"Mechas, train parts, drill parts," Sam said, sounding miserable. "Blaster mods. Slugs."

Alana perked up at the last part, narrowing her eyes. If Blakk's workers didn't have to waste time hunting for wild slugs, he would be able to make a lot more ghouls a lot faster.

"How do your parents even have access to all this stuff?" Kord asked.

"Gray Enterprise specializes in mechanics, especially the kind you don't get from the Beast Forge," Sam explained. "That's where the drill and train parts come in easily. Then we've purchased a secondary Mecha manufacturer, one that gets some parts from the Beast Forge, but manufactures the Mechas independently. The same goes for taking over blaster equipment stores- I've recently gained access to finances, and Gray Enterprise has a business history nearly as dirty as Blakk Industries."

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