Chapter 21

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"Are we there yet?" Alana asked, trying to keep a straight face.

Alana had learned that the thing about riding with two people who hated her was that they weren't much for conversation. Not only that, but without her sight, it was difficult to gauge how much time had passed and how much distance they had covered.

And, of course, the growing anxiety that the rest of the Shane Gang wouldn't reach her in time. A Mecha fight would be much easier than a siege against one of Blakk's safehouses. But she was trying to keep all that out of her mind.

"You need to quit it," Twist said quietly. Alana smirked as she heard Dana groan.

"For the love of the guardian slugs, shut up," Dana scowled.

"I'll shut up if you just drop me off here," Alana offered. "Just give me my blaster and my slugs and that'll be that."

"Not a chance," Dana responded, sounding bored. Alana sighed and glanced in the direction of her voice.

"Can you at least tell me where we are?" Alana asked. "If we're driving toward my impending doom, can I at least know how long I have?"

"We're about an hour out from Chillbore," Twist said quickly. "So how about you spend the next sixty minutes contemplating your life choices in silence?"

"I think if anyone should be contemplating their life choices, shouldn't it be you two?" Alana laughed. "I mean, come on-"

She snapped her mouth shut as she heard a blaster power up next to her. She couldn't tell if it was Twist's or Dana's, but she didn't want to risk it.

Alana pushed away her worry and forced herself to just focus on the light energy her slugs were giving off the next Mecha over.


Trixie was riding alongside Midnight, watching the map like a hawk. She watched as the pulsing dot sped through Slugterra- wherever Alana was going, Blakk wanted to get her there fast.

"Trix! Any idea where they're heading yet?" Eli asked.

"It could be a couple different places, but it looks like maybe Snowdance or Chillbore," she responded.

"Can't imagine Blakk would want to set upin Snowdance if people are in there all the time," Kord said.

"Not to mention the ice monsters!" Pronto added.

"So it's probably Chillbore," Eli concluded. "And we need to get there before Alana does, because once she's there, who knows where she could end up."

"You think Blakk is still with her?" Kord asked.

"I hope not," Eli said. "Best case scenario, he sent her ahead with some workers while he goes back to the citadel."

"Speaking of workers, who was that new girl?" Trixie asked, looking over at Eli.

"New girl?" Kord asked. "What, Blakk's got a new lackey?"

Eli paused, remembering the ferocity of Dana, the fury with which she slung with. He didn't know the whole story, but he knew that whatever had happened between those two had to have been complicated.

"Her name is Dana, and she and Alana have a history," he said. "I don't know what exactly went down between them, but you remember that ghoul depot mission Alana mentioned once? Something happened to Dana during that. She's... she's got some kind of dark energy in her."

"So, what, she's like a ghoul?" Trixie asked.

"I don't know for sure, but... I think she might be, yeah," Eli said. "And I think she hates Alana because of it."

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