Chapter 8

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I pulled out my phone and text Sophia. ‘OMFG! Liam’s girlfriend is here =/’ I immediately got a response back: ‘Kick her ass your so much better then here ;)’ That made me slightly smile.

“So what are you guys doing on your date?” Louis asked breaking the awkward silence.

I quickly interjected “ It’s not a date.” I saw Liam’s face become more relaxed.

“It’s a ‘non-date’” Harry smiled making little air quotes. I blushed a little and looked at the floor.

“So what are you doing on your ‘non-date’” Niall said with a little chuckle.

“It’s a surprise!” Harry said with a smirk.

“Oh god!” I said sarcastically.

“WHAT?!?! My surprises end brilliantly!” He said with his sassy smile.

He looked at his watch and said we have to get going. We walked out of the room and down the hallway. I looked at him and he looked adorable. He was wearing a white v-neck t-shirt that fit him perfectly, and jeans that he wore quite low so his boxers showed a tiny bit. His curly locks looked perfectly messy. He was so beautiful. He caught me looking at him and he bit his lip and smiled. He held the door to the steps open for me and I walk threw.

“You look very beautiful today you know.” Harry said with a smile as we walked down the stairs.

I blushed “Thank you.”

“Ah ha, a bit loss for words today?” He said cheekily.

“Don’t be a smart ass!” He smiled at me and I smiled back. We left the stairwell which lead to behind the hotel where no fans would see us leaving. There were two vintage bicycles sitting there.

“I thought we could go for a nice bike ride threw Central Park first,” Harry said running his hand threw his hair.

“Sounds fun” I said jumping on the bike and riding on I yelled back to him, “Come on slow poke!”

He caught up to me and we started riding at a good pace threw Central Park. It was such a beautiful day and I was taking it all in, the beautiful trees and flowers along the path and the families playing in the parks. The sun was shining and I had a beautiful boy smiling at me as we took a romantic vintage bike ride threw it all. I wanted to pinch myself to see if it was a dream, or maybe it was just a scene in a movie. Harry rode in front of me and stopped in my path.

“What are you doing?” I said stopping abruptly.

“We are at the next stop.” He smiled and took my bike from me, locking them both up on the bike rack. We walked towards a little ice cream stand and waited in line behind a couple of people. Our hands kept brushing against each other, so I ended up locking my pinky around his.

“I didn’t know hand holding was allowed on non-dates.” Harry said.

“We can make exceptions.” I sassily said back to him, intertwining our fingers. Harry ordered two ice cream cones and we walked along the lake hand and hand.

“So what is something I don’t know about you?” Harry asked.

“Hmmm a lot!”

“Like what?”

“Well I have an obsession with pink that my friends think is a bit much, I love Halloween, I think it is better to be unique then go with the crowd, I love Disney World I wanna get married there, I have one tattoo that my parents still don’t know about, visiting Paris is number 1 on my bucket list, I love drawing, my favorite smell is roses, I can eat peanut butter on anything, and I love photography.”

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