Chapter 11

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‘The last couple days have been amazing!’ I thought to myself as I watched the boys perform ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ from the sound booth with Danielle. It was their last show in NYC and they would be heading to South New Jersey in the morning and I will be going back to my job and my normal life. I bit my lip as Harry started singing his solo. I have started crushing on him really hard these last couple days. We have been kissing and flirting all weekend and its amazing. Nothing official has happened and we haven’t gone all the way, but he makes me feel like I am in high school again giggling like a little schoolgirl. I wish things could stay like this, him here in New York, but it can’t, hell he doesn’t even live in the states. I sighed at the thought.

The crowd screamed like crazy as the boys said goodnight and ran off stage. It was so loud in there I could barely hear myself think. Danielle motioned me to follow her and we headed towards backstage with a couple of their managers and security. Girls kept screaming Danielle’s name and she would wave. I smiled at a girl who waved at me but I didn’t really know why. When we finally got backstage we headed towards the dressing room.

“Great show boys!!!” I yelled as we walked in.

“Thanks” Niall and Zayn said.

I walked over to Louis a little confused “Where’s curly?”

Louis gave me a mischievous smile, and I looked at him even more confused. “It’s a surprise, we can’t tell you” Zayn winked at me.

We all piled in a van after they finished changing and started driving threw the city. Still no word from Harry, I was so confused. Paul stopped the car in front of my apartment and I just looked at Louis.

“What is going on?” I said.

“Harry asked me to drop you off here.” Paul said.

“The surprise is up there.” Niall said pointing to the roof.

I got out of the car and walked up the stair of our building, going inside and on the elevator. When I opened the door to the apartment the lights were dim and our candles were all lit. There were arrows on the floor that said follow me. I followed and they took me to our dinning room window that was open, so I climbed up the fire escape. When I got to the roof I was blown away. There were a million candles and twinkly lights lighting up the whole roof surrounding a big hammock with lots of pillows and a blanket on it. I smiled and put my hand over my mouth. It was so beautiful.

“Hey babe!” Harry smiled and walked towards me, kissing me on the lips.

“This is amazing!” I smiled. Harry took my hand and we lay on the hammock together. It felt amazing to be in his arms.

“I wanted our last night in New York to be special”

“This is for sure special” I kissed him lightly.

“I wish we didn’t have to leave in the morning.” He said rubbing my arm.

“I know me neither.”

“You could come with us you know.”

“Haha I kind of have a job I need to be at.”

“Play sick” he intertwined my fingers with his, “we can have so much fun in New Jersey on the beach and you would be back by Wednesday morning.”

“I wish I could babe but its kind of important that I am at work.”

He made a sad face and I kissed his cheek. We cuddled and watched the stars, talking about random stuff. Slowly we drifted off to sleep.

I woke up the chirping sound of birds and the blinding morning sun. I looked around and was kind of surprised. Harry had already been awake and took all the candles and lights inside. I stared at the blank roof and thought to myself that my life was going to go back to being like this plain roof, once beautiful, romantic, and magical is going back to being plain and boring with just reminisce of what use to be as soon as Harry left in a few hours. I felt the frown on my face as I saw Harry walking up the stairs with a plate of French toast.

“Hungry Beautiful?” he asked with a smile.

“Yes thank you” I took the plate and started eating and looking at the gorgeous view of the city in the morning mist.

“I really love this city, its like no other one in the world” Harry said breaking the awkward silence.

“It’s definitely something special,” I said.

“Like you” Harry said kissing my cheek. I smiled back at him as I blushed a little. He put his arms around me and snuggled into my neck. “I am going to miss you.”

“I will miss you too” I sighed. As we cuddle, his phone rang with Paul on the other end saying he needed to get back to the hotel to get ready to leave. I walked him to the door and we dreaded to say goodbye.

“We will text and call each other all the time” he said squeezing my hand and sounding like he was trying to convince himself more than me. I knew how this would be, he would get busy, we would talk less and less, and then someone else will come along. I wish we had more time, just a little longer and I felt like this could be something beautiful.

“Of course, and maybe I will come and visit you soon” I said smiling trying to hold back the tears. He took me in his arms and held me so tight.

“I would love that,” he said. He kissed me so passionately I felt my breath leave my body. As we finally parted and pulled away all I wanted to do was run back in his arms. We said goodbye and I watched him walk out of my apartment. Did I just watch anything we could have had walk out the door? Would this become a great story of a beautiful romantic whirlwind of a could-have-been relationship? I sat on the couch biting my nails as I thought. I never take the chance. What if he was the one? What if I just lost the most perfect relationship in a blink of an eye? Why am I always afraid of taking the risk, jumping before I look, just going for it?

Harry’s POV:

I walked in my hotel room and looked around. It looked the same as so many other hotels I have stayed in this year. But it’s different, because it means more to me. I spent some of the best moments of my life in this city this weekend. But just like everything else, it was cut to short. I had to leave again and leave it all behind. I grabbed all of my clothes out of the drawer and start stuffing it in a bag. This is how my life is now, this is the dream I always wanted, so if that means dealing with the negative side of it so be it, right? She was different though, I didn’t want to leave her behind and move on.

I shook my head and put some music on to try to drown out my thoughts. I started to pack the stuff from the closet when I heard a knock on the door. I opened to door to see Paul telling me I had five minutes till we were leaving. I rushed back into my room to finish packing. After grabbing all my clothes and packing them, I started to pack the stuff in the bathroom. There was another knock at the door. ‘Come on Paul give me a break I am almost finished’ I thought to myself.

I walked over to the door and started opening it saying, “Paul I will be done in a minute.” I looked up and to my surprise Paul’s face is not what I saw.

“I guess they wont miss me for a few days” Samantha smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2012 ⏰

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