Chapter 10

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I opened my eyes to see this beautiful creature sleeping with his arms wrapped around me. I smiled to myself ‘I swear this is all a dream.’ But it wasn’t. Harry was amazing. He was so fun, adorable, and sincere, and most of all he was bold and flirtatious. I could feel myself falling for those beautiful green eyes, that gorgeous 100-watt smile, and those luscious curls, just the way he fixed his hair gave me butterflies. Harry opened his eyes slightly and looked at me with a smile.

“Good morning beautiful” he leaned in to kiss me.

“I have morning breath!” I giggled placing my hand over my mouth.

“I don’t care,” he smiled moving my hand and gently kissing me. Just then we heard the door open and Niall was standing in our doorway eating a pumpkin cheesecake muffin.

“Mornin’!” he said with a smile holding up the muffin, “Where’d ya get these?”

“I made them!” I smiled. He looked shocked and then ran over and jumped on the bed kissing my forehead.

“You’re a GOD! These are the best things I ever ate in me whole entire life!” He ran out of the room as Harry and I laughed. 

“You wanna go hangout by the hotel pool today before the show?” Harry asked tracing my jaw line. I nodded my head yes and kiss him softly. I jumped out of bed and went to the bathroom to get ready. I put on my tiny pink and white bikini a crop top and some ripped up shorts. I threw my hair into a messy bun and put a little bit of mascara on so my eyelashes weren’t blonde. When I came out dressed I packed up some stuff for later and headed out to where the boys were.

“Thanks for letting us stay here love, I would have been embarrassed to have gone back to the hotel like that.” Louis said kind of self-conscious.

“It’s ok everyone has those nights” I smiled and Louis smiled back. I looked around the room, “Where is Liam?”

“He went back to the hotel last night, wanted to talk to Dani.” Niall said chewing.

“Well I see Niall found the fridge,” I laughed, “Anyone else hungry? I can whip up some pancakes really fast?”

“I’m bloody starving! That would be sick!” Louis smiled.

“No problem,” I went into the kitchen and put my apron on. I pulled out the pancake mix and started to whip up the batter. Harry came in and wrapped his arms around me from behind, kissing my neck.

“Do you need any help babe?” he asked.

I smiled back “ You can warm up the syrup and set the table, that would be great.”

I kissed his full lips softly. Harry went off and set the table as I put some bacon in the pan to fry. When I finished up the bacon and pancakes, I put them on serving platters and grabbed some orange juice out of the fridge. Harry walked in and grabbed the pancakes and bacon to carryout for me. I took the orange juice and walked into our dinning room to see all the boys eagerly sitting at the dinning table.  

“Eat Up!” I smiled. The boys globed up the breakfast and we talked about all the funny things that happened last night. We all finished up and the boys helped load the dishwasher.

“She’s a keeper man! She’s an amazing cook!” Niall said eating another one of my homemade muffins. Harry smiled and wrapped his arm around me.

“Everyone ready to go to the pool?” Zayn asked. We all agreed and headed down to the street, catching a cab back to the hotel. There weren’t as many fans there now only about 50, I guess because it was early. We shuffled up to Liam’s room to tell him we were going to the pool. Yvette, Sophia, and I waited in the hallway for the boys to change, and once they were done we all started walking down to the lobby. As we were going through the lobby, Liam grabbed my arm and stopped me. 

“Hey I need to talk to you about last night, I am so sorry but I have to tell you …” Liam started to say.

“Liam its ok, I understand. You were in the heat of the moment and you were upset about Danielle, it was an accident. I won’t tell anyone I promise.” I smiled.

“But …”

“Its our little secret.” I smiled and caught up with the rest of the group.

When we got in the pool Niall did a cannibal splashing everyone. Sophia and Louis jumped in after him. I went over to a lounge chair and sat my bag down and took my cover-up off revealing my little hot pink string bikini. When I walked back over to the pool Harry was already in so I sat on the side with Yvette and Zayn and we stuck our feet in. I watched as Danielle lay on a lounge chair to sun. Liam walked up and sat next to her on his phone. She didn’t seem really social towards me but maybe it was just me, she seemed nice to everyone else. Just then I felt a pull on my foot and Harry dragged me into the pool. I splashed him for doing it and he laughed.

We decided to play a game of Marco Polo and unfortunately I was picked to be Marco. I closed my eyes and waded around the pool like a zombie with my arms out screaming Marco. I hated being Marco, I was so terrible at this game. I heard Niall’s laugh near me and I lunged towards him, but missing him.

After awhile I screamed “I give up guys!!!” but I felt my hand touch someone’s arm. I grabbed a hold but as I did they pulled me under the water. When I opened my eyes I saw Harry smiling under the water across from me, and I couldn’t help but smile back. I suddenly felt his lips press against mine and his arms go around my waist. Talk about a kiss like no other. We both came up from the water, and I lightly kissed his lips.

“Are you cold babe, you’re shivering?” Harry asked.

“Yeah I am just going to get out for a bit.” I smiled back climbing the ladder. I heard Harry getting out after me. I walked over to where Liam, Danielle, and Zayn were now sitting and grabbed my towel.

“What is that?” Harry said pointing to my hip as he dried his hair with a towel.

“Is that a tattoo?” Liam said sassily.

“Oh yeah it is.”

 “What is it?” Niall asked swimming to the edge of the pool where Louis, Yvette, and Sophia were sitting.

“It’s an anchor with ‘Refuse to sink’ wrapped around it” I said as I dried myself off.

“That’s really cool. Is their  meaning behind it?” Zayn said, clearly the most interested in tattoos.

“Ummmm yeah there is … I got it for my older brother,” I said trying to catch my breath so that I didn’t break down. “He was in the Marines, its something he use to always say to me when I was being down on myself.” All of the boys just looked at me like they knew I could cry at any moment. “He died 2 years ago in Iraq so I got the tattoo for him.” I said with a half smile. 

“I am so sorry Samantha.” Liam said with sad puppy dog eyes. Harry put his arms around me from behind and kissed my neck and whispered he was sorry in my ear.

“Its ok, Its been a while now,” I said trying to bring up the mood.

“That’s really a beautiful reason,” Danielle said with a smile.

“Thank you.” I said smiling back and cuddling into Harry. Maybe she didn’t hate me after all. 

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