
17 1 0

Your POV
(Warning: there may be typos but I'm too lazy to fix it, enjoy the chapter!)

I woke up and heard a light snores next to me. I chuckled realizing it was just Jungkook sleeping soundly.

I stared at his sleeping face and realized how sure I was of my feeling for him.

I quickly got up for bed trying to not wake the sleeping bunny. I got some clothes and got in the shower.

-30mins later-

I walk out the shower with my towel clenching it to my body. Jungkook was still sleeping just like a left him.

I got changed and made a small breakfast for me and him.

I made everything and the table was set. I went to the bedroom only to find Jungkook vanished.

I start to worry but feel at ease when someone from behind hugs me. I try to turn to him but I'm held in place.

I start panicking as their grip on me gets stronger. I finally manage to kick them in their "area" and make a quick turn to see who it was.

It wasn't Jungkook that's for sure but he seemed familiar. I quickly kick them again and tie their hands together.

"Who are you?!" I shouted and then I hear a door being open from behind. I turn to see Jungkook with a towel tied around his waist.

He runs to me in shock and holds my cheeks up to see my eyes. I hug him close and then we let go and face the person together.

We take off his mask and look at each other in shock. He was a gang member, one of gdragons minions I bet.

His eyes matched the ones of the tall figure that pointed at me when I was walking through the streets that one unlucky yet lucky day.

I couldn't believe my eyes, how did he get in? How did he know we were here? What would've happened if he had took me?

My thoughts were stopped by Jungkook punching the guy in the face.

"Why are you here, and what exactly did you think you were doing with my girl?" He screamed at him.

I blushed a little at his words but this was serious so I glared at the guy deeply.

"L-let me explain" he coughed up blood. "I'm Hyungwon (Y/LN)"

You took a step back and almost tumble to the ground. Jungkook caught you and watch as the mans eyes became teary and genuine.

"No! No! No! Hyungwon died! My brother died! You're not him!" I shouted my emotions were all over the place.


It was a normal day me and Hyungwon went to play at this place deep in the forest close by our house.

I was 6 years old I carried a basket so I could pick flowers and he carried a stick so if a stranger attack he'd hit him.

We were walking along when we both spotted a clearing. I ran towards it full speed while Hyungwon came behind me and hugged me tight.

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