
22 1 0

Your POV

"Taehyung?!?" Me and Jungkook shout.

Jungkook doesn't hesitate to run up to the door and open it.

Taehyung and Jungkook hug, while they silently cry in each other's embrace.

I smiled and join in hugging them both.

"Hyung I-I don't deserve y-your forgiveness" Jungkook sniffed in between his words.

"Oh Jungkookie, I'm sorry I didn't know about the pain you went through, please forgive me"

"W-what? Did Jimin-"

"Yes Jimin told me everything"

I was completely lost but I just smiled as they both let go of the hug and do their handshake.

"Wait, Who this?" Taehyung said noticing Hyungwon's presence.

"He looks like a gang member, one of gdragons minions?!" Taehyung says becoming stiff and balling his fist up.

"Taehyung no, no he's my brother. Hyungwon, he does work for gdragon and he was actually here to kidnap me until he realized it was me"
I said to calm Taehyung down.

"He wants to help us, Hyung"


"Nice to meet you, Taehyung?" Hyungwon outstretched his hand.

And Taehyung being Taehyung, gladly excepted it and smiled kindly at him.

-Time Skip to after Hyungwon explains his story to Taehyung-

"So basically the reason they want (Y/N) is because gdragon has an interest in her and our families riches" Hyungwon spoke in disgust.

"So wait why does Gdragon like me?" I said holding back the urge to throw up.

"Because he sees you as value and (Y/N) he's the guy who pushed me into the waterfall that day..." Hyungwon whispered out.

"WHAT?!?" I shouted feeling tears.

*Kwon Ji-yong?!? The guy who had a crush on me since high school and who knows how long!!*

"No, no, no" I cried shaking.

Jungkook quickly embraced me, "I won't let him take you from me, understand?" He said calmly but inside I knew he was fuming.

"But wait if you know he's the guy that pushed you into the waterfall why do you work for him?" Taehyung asked.

"Because he threatened my sister, I began working for him 5 years after the incident because he found me and made become one of his minions".

"But why didn't you come home to us after you came out of the waterfall!"

"Because I had suffered terrible memory lose after I hit my head on one of those rocks that were under water"

"But then how did you not die?!"

"Jungkook!" I shouted.


"I survived because someone saved me and rushed me to the hospital, they tried helping me, but I couldn't remember a thing"

"Hyungwon" I cried, I embraced him because my brother, the other part of me, my confidence, never really died and is back!

I couldn't have been happier.

"By the way, (Y/N)?"


"Which one is your boyfriend?" He asked pointing back at Jungkook and Taehyung.

We all stood still, nervous, because of our incident a day ago.


"I'm her boyfriend" Jungkook spoke up holding my hand tight.

"I'm her friend and ex boyfriend" Taehyung said nervously.

"O..ok" Hyungwon said.

We just stood there awkwardly, thinking of what to say next.

"So, Jungkook take care of my sister or else" Hyungwon smirked and gave me a goofy smile.

Jungkook nodded furiously and bowed to my brother.

I just giggled at his actions as he flash me a cute bunny like smile.

"So what's the plan now?" Taehyung said feeling left out.

"We need to get (Y/N) and my parents out of Korea" Hyungwon said.

They stood there with both their mouths opened in shock.

As for me it sent a shiver down my spine as I heard my parents are also in danger.

"(Y/N), they planned to take our parents tonight.."


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