Grief and Sorrows

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Rated: Teen

Elizabeth Winchester watched as her brothers Dean, and Cass burned in a hunter's funeral. After a while, the crowd began to thin out and it was just her, Jack, Sam, and a few of Dean's friends he met while Sam was away at Stanford, so they didn't really know each other well. She turned then walked back to the Bunker. When she was finally alone, she broke. The second she entered her room, in between Dean and Sam's, tears leaked down her face. She closed the door then fell to her knees. Her back was to the door, blocking it so no one could enter. Someone knocked. "El?" It was Jack. "Can I come in?" She sniffed then asked,

"Is Sammy with you?" He replied saying,

"No, he's still downstairs." Jack frowned,

"It's okay to be sad." He said, Elizabeth shook her head, despite the fact she knew he couldn't see her. "I only knew my father and Dean for a short amount of time, we only had one year..." The female hunter began to cry again. "Dean was always like the annoying brother I never wanted, but got anyway." Elizabeth stood up shakily then unlocked the door. When Jack opened it she was sitting in the middle of her bed with her knees pulled up to her chest. He quietly closed the door behind her, not wanting to spook her. The Nephilim sat next to his sister, he reached his arm around her in a hug, which she fell into closely. Elizabeth looked up at him,

"It should have been me." Jack frowned, then said,

"What do you mean?" Elizabeth sat up then faced him,

"If it wasn't for that stupid deal, then none of this would've happened." Jack sighed, according to some books he read, self-blame was a way humans coped with emotions and such. Mary stood up then walked to the other side of the room. Suddenly, Jack took off his jacket, and his shirt. "What the Hell?!" She exclaimed, taken aback at his motion. "What in the world are you doing?!" Granted, she's seen him shirtless before, when she treated his wounds, when he worked out with Sam and... Dean. She realized there were white dots the size of dollar coins on his chest,

"Dean never told you?" She replied with another question,

"Told me what?" Jack just smiled,

"I'm surprised, I thought he would've at least told you and Sammy." As he said this his eyes darkened slightly so she quietly repeated her previous question,

"Told me what Jack?" The Nephilim sat on her bed, she continued to count the white dots on his chest, she was up to twenty-five, and there were at least ten more uncounted scars. "Jack?" She asked sitting next to him. He sighed,

"When I was first... born, I didn't know this world, I was scared." Elizabeth nodded, she remembered Jack's state when he was first born. "I didn't know anyone, I didn't know where I was, I only knew that Castiel was my father. My mom would tell me stories of his bravery while I was in her womb, telling me Castiel would save me, that he would protect me from the world." He paused to take a second, then he decided to continue. "Anyways, after a few days I decided to leave you, Sam, Cass, and Dean, just not... not by running away." The Nephilim's eyes looked as if he were re-living something, "I found an angel blade, it was just sitting on the table in the main room. When I got back to my room I tried to kill myself by stabbing my chest multiple times in the chest, the blade went all the way through my back." El gasped in surprised, Jack was her little brother, she never wanted anything bad to happen to him. "Dean apparently heard me then opened my door. He grabbed the knife from my hand then said, 'if you're going to die then I want to do it myself.'" By this point Jack, and Elizabeth were both in tears.

Later that night after the funeral guests left, Sam went upstairs to check on his siblings. Elizabeth and Jack were both sound asleep, one of Jack's arms was wrapped protectively over El, as if he was trying to protect her from all the evil in the world. Smiling at the sight the hunter snapped a picture of the two on his phone, then shut off the light. He closed the door then walked to his room, ready for the worst night of sleep in his life.

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