The Devil Is In The Details

15 1 1

Rated: T

It was finally the weekend. Benny laughed at something stupid Jack did in an ice cream shop in the town center. He and Ethan were taking the Winchesters on a Whitechapel tour, showing them all the good spots to get food, movie theaters, stuff like that. They just entered the best pastry bakery in town when Sam stopped moving. Benny looked at his elder brother then asked, "what's wrong?" Sam shook his head,

"nothing. Come on, let's find a table." Benny glanced at Liz for an explanation, but the girl only shrugged. While they were waiting for their food to arrive the wizard couldn't help but notice as Sam kept glancing nervously around the restaurant, whenever the door swung open the moose-like man would jump in his seat. "What?" Sam finally asked him when he realized Benny was still staring at him. "Seriously, tell me." The teen sighed then said,

"I'm worried, the second we stepped foot in this place you've been on edge. What's going on?" Sammy shrugged,

"I don't know... something about this place just feels... off." Their waiter came back with their food. He put the trays on the table then asked,

"anything else moosey? Hello Rabbit, it's nice to see you again too." Benny and Ethan watched each Winchester make a grab for their concealed gun with devil's trap salt bullets, but the man with the accent waved his hand sending them all to opposite sides of the room. Benny watched the anger in Sam's eyes grow stronger, this dude must've done something awful to make Sam despise him that much.

"You son-son of a bitch!" Sam managed to stutter out, even though this new guy was holding him against the wall. "I thought you died." Suit-Man pointed at Charlie then said,

"so what? She's supposed to be dead too. She's been dead in fact, for almost three years, that's the longest a Winchester has stayed with me in hell. Besides dear old mum of course." Elizabeth broke through his hold while he was distracted by Sam then charged the guy. He disappeared into red smoke, then reappeared next to Jack. No, Benny thought, all though he was still very confused about the situation they were in, he knew for a fact if anything happened to Jack, it would be the death of him.

"No." He whispered, but the guy heard him and turned around.

"Oh?" He asked, teasing Benny by tracing some of his faces with a small blade. "What, don't like me hurting the Son of Lucifer?" Benny grinned as he watched Jack gather energy in his hands, getting ready to throw it. Jack nodded when he made eye-contact with the wizard, they both understood the plan. Ethan got knocked out cold after he was thrown over the bar, thankfully the mugs and glasses were actually cheap plastic. "What is it Guinea Pig? Are you in pain?" Benny nodded, but he wasn't answering the man's question. Jack's energy blast flew across the room, hitting the man square in the back knocking him to the floor.

"What the hell?" Liz asked as she poked the body with her big toe, Ethan slowly regained consiousness and joined the circle around the semi-dead body. "Sammy, isn't he supposed to be dead?" The eldest Winchester nodded,

"yeah. Keywords in that sentence are 'supposed to be'." Benny frowned,

"what's his name?" Jack knelt next to the body then answered,

"Crowley, he's the King of Hell, at least, he was the King of Hell." Ethan froze,

"so what I'm hearing is that the King of Hell gave you three a pet name?" Elizabeth nodded,

"Yup. Jack's Guinea Pig, Sammy's Moose, and I am Rabbit." Benny chuckled,

"In a way... That's really funny and terrifying at the same time." Charlie nodded, then the Crowley's body began to stir.  She sighed,

"I really don't want to bring him to the apartment, but if we have to...." Sammy agreed, and his vote was final. It took the six of them in shifts to carry his body all the way back without causing too much attention.

They arrived at the house forty-five minutes later, then Sam set up a demon-trapped chair complete with iron chains, devil's traps underneath, on the back, and on the part of the chair you actually sit on. There was also a massive devil's trap under and over the rug. The King of Hell was trapped like a rat hunting for cheese. All the Winchesters had to do now, was wait and see when he wakes up.


So... that happened. I honestly wasn't even planning on adding Crowley into this story, but then my brain went 'I have an idea!' and took over my hands. Consider this a bonus chapter/sneak peek chapter due to how long it took me to publish the last one.

See ya later,


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