Secrets and Lies

8 1 1

Rated: T

The next morning Benny slept through his alarm, and about a hundred phone calls from the Winchesters and Ethan asking where he was, and if he was going to school. The Guardian-in-training groaned as he stood up and showered. He shut off the faucet he got dressed in a pair of jeans and dark purple t-shirt... After a thought, he grabbed the necklace his aunt gave him the night before. It was a golden necklace chain with the symbol of Ra on it.

Benny grabbed a bagel, spelled it so it tasted like a donut. He waved his aunt goodbye and headed to school. When he arrived he sat near the back of the class, away from Charlie, Jack, Sarah, and Ethan. The Seer glanced his way concerned, but Benny did his best to ignore his friend. If his grandmother's letter told him anything, it was he should cut off connections to his friends, otherwise, they could get caught in the crossfire. Not to mention, their lives just returned to normal, Benny's newfound Guardianship would throw a wrench in their life plans. "Benny?" The Guardian looked up, shaking himself out of his daze. His teacher asked him a question relating to the topic they were learning about. Luckily, it was History, and despite his love for science, it was Benny's favorite subject. Judging by the board Benny saw they were learning about Egyptian history. He smirked, with his new knowledge of the subject this would be a piece of cake. His teacher sighed, "I'll ask again, who is the Egyptian god of the sun?" Benny's smirk grew wider as he replied,

"that's simple. Ra is the god of the sun, he protects the world from evil." The teacher was surprised he actually got the answer correct. Mr. Jackle, yes, that was his real name, muttered something about paying more attention in class then returned to the lecture. Benny didn't miss the confused look Ethan shot at him, but the Guardian chose to ignore it. When the bell rang to dismiss them Benny was the first one out of the classroom, he booked it to his next class leaving his very confused friends in the dust.

The rest of his day went without incident, jocks were jerks, cheerleaders were bitches, the usual experience he had while being in school. The only difference was that today he didn't have Ethan by his side. Whenever the wizard saw his friend the brown haired boy was always smiling at something Charlie or Elizabeth said. Sadly, it looked as if Ethan unopenly agreed with Benny... They were better off without him.

After the final bell rang he made sure to take a different path home just in case Ethan was wondering about him. Benny opened his front door then locked it shut. He smiled at his aunt as he walked through the kitchen where she was preparing dinner for the night and walked up to his room. The first thing he did was check his Skype to see if his seer friend called or texted him after school. Sure enough, there were over fifty worried emails and twenty missed Skype calls and ten missed voicemails. Sighing, he changed into his training outfit then his aunt took him to what seemed to be a random warehouse in the city. He asked, "I thought we were going to the top secret ancient Guardian training ground." His aunt smiled then she cast a revealing charm and the building transformed into a huge multi-level pyramid. Benny stared at it in shock, his aunt chuckled at his reaction then ushered him into the training compound.

As he walked through he saw multiple people casting combat magic spells, charms, mind Weaver stuff, but he had no idea what most of the magic the other guardians were practicing was. A teenage girl walked up to them, she seemed to know his Aunt Cassie. She had striking brown hair with teal streaks running through it starting at her roots. She wore black jeans, combat boots, a blue jean jacket and a t-shirt that had a picture of a pyramid on it. "Hey, Cassie, is he a new trainee?" Benny's aunt nodded then replied,

"this is my nephew, Benny." The girl, who Benny still didn't learn the name of, froze, then asked,

"wait. As in, the descendant of Ra's, my step-brother Benny?" The young guardian's aunt nodded, then the girl fiddled with a necklace she wore. It was similar to his golden chain necklace, except for the charm. On her necklace she also had extra ancient looking beads attached to it, each bead seemed to have a different image on it. "Hi." She finally addressed Benny as if he were actually there. They shook hands, "my name is Isabella, you can call me Izzy, or Iz. I'm your half-sister, crazy world right?" Benny blinked twice then he spoke for the first time since they entered the training grounds.

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