Once a Winchester

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Rated: T

His Grandma was dead, buried six feet under next to his parents... His mom and dad died due to a drunk driver crash, with him in the car. Grandma, on the other hand, died a magical death. Benny was in his bed at five 'o clock AM, trying to get at least an hour of sleep before his alarm went off. He turned to his side then tried to close his eyes, flashes of the past year filtered underneath his eye-lids. Five minutes later his alarm blared at him, telling him he has an hour to get ready until he had to go get Ethan from his house. The wizard sighed then grabbed his phone, turning it on to read the notifications he gasped when he saw what the date was.

Benny froze, it was impossible, there was absolutely no way his parent's death date snuck up on him so fast... but then again, he's been so busy dealing with Stern, vampires, and Ethan almost turning into a fledgling, that he didn't even think about his parents. He began to slowly have an increase in his heart rate. How could I forget about my own parents? What kind of son am I, maybe Jesse was right, he thought, referring to a conversation the vampire had with him pre-Lucifractor. Maybe I'm just a fat-ass lazy, good for nothing excuse of a magician... Benny stepped into the warm shower, the water helped him forget some of the worries that have been recently crossing his mind. He got out of the shower then pulled on blue jeans, a black t-shirt. After he was done getting dressed he stared at himself in the full-length mirror his Grandma had behind the bathroom door. After the week of torment from bullies, not to mention the comments Jesse kept making about his parents, and his weight, Benny decided to eat less. The wizard loved that his best friend was finally starting to talk to other humans, if not about his feelings, then about something else. Ethan actually smiled now, he couldn't remember the last time the Seer smiled with him in the room, after all, the only reason Ethan would talk to him would be if he needed a spell, or a potion, something like that. Benny realized he could start to see his rib cages through his shirt, so he pulled on a black hoodie he washed the night before. When he was finally finished getting dressed he went downstairs to the kitchen where his Aunt was preparing breakfast. "Sorry, I'm running late." His aunt rose a suspicious eyebrow then she asked,

"I thought you didn't have to leave until 7:00." Benny froze, one hand on an apple,

"um, yeah..." he came up with a quick lie, "Ethan needs help with math so we're going in early." His aunt nodded, then asked,

"are you going to be okay today?" Benny nodded,

"yeah, with Ethan by my side I should be okay..." His aunt nodded then handed him an apple and a bagel,

"at least eat this for breakfast." Benny took the food with no intention of eating it. After he left his house he dumped the food in the outside trash can then headed over to Ethan's house. When he rang the bell Ethan's mom answered it.

"Hi Mrs. Morgan, is Ethan ready?" His friend's mom smiled sadly,

"he left earlier, he said he was going to stop by your house before stopping by Mary and Jack's, he seems to have developed a small crush on Charlie." Benny nodded quickly, his heart began to race as she shut the front door. Ethan left me behind... he didn't tell me he was going to the Winchester's house this morning! He must think I'm weak, otherwise, he wouldn't have left me behind..." he thought, we're doing a lab in science today, I should be his lab partner, I could ask it about him ditching me then. He walked the rest of the way to school alone. As he was walking he heard a can get kicked behind him, which put him on high alert. He turned around then saw the school varsity football team. Not now, come on really? Today? He thought as the football team surrounded him. The jeered at him, breaking beer bottles at his feet, he flinched when the glass shards cut his shin.

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