Charlie Bradbury's Triumphant Return From The Dead

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Rated: T

Charlie herself was in shock, which was understandable. She woke up in a wooden box, and telling by the dirt lightly falling through the ceiling she was buried under ground. She screamed, but no one was their to help her. With a new flame burning in her she punched the roof, cracking the wood. More dirt fell through threatening to suffocate her, but she dug through the earth, crawling for the fresh air that she was so close to reaching. As she breathed in the fresh air she realized the only thing she remembered was two names, Dean and Sam Winchester, it didn't help that the only thing she connected them to was one memory. Dean and Sam. Sam and Dean. She repeated the names in her head like a mantra, she had to find them. The techie searched for her phone, that was the only thing she remembered they gave her. "Come on..." She muttered, "yes!" She finally found her phone in her shirt pocket, for some reason the brothers buried her with her phone, not that she was complaining or anything. The phone was dead. She screamed into the dark, startling nearby owls scaring them out of their perches. Through the fog of the cemetery she could see light in the distance, maybe she could get help. The hunter began her journey to the light.

By the time she made it to the entrance of the graveyard she saw a city. The lights were so bright and colorful she smiled at the sight of it. A few of the people passing by stared at her strangely then ushered their kids and loved ones across the street to avoid her. She sighed, maybe finding help while being recently dead would be more challenging than she thought. As she walked through the city, avoiding cops and rich people she passed one of those maps that tell you where you are. The map said she was in New York City. Someone grabbed her arm and she screamed, but the person covered her mouth to keep her from getting help. "Charlie, it's me, don't you remember me?" The ruby haired girl turned around and saw a man wearing a cowboy hat. She shook her head,

"Dean..." Her kidnapper, Garff, sadly shook his head,

"Sorry Charlie, Dean's been dead for a month or so now. Sammy moved up to Canada to get away from the life." Charlie wore a blank expression, then she said,

"He's all I remember, other than my mom. It's all starting to come back to me now..." Garth sat down at a crate in the closed down shop they were in. She sat on one across from him, "how long have I been dead?" Garff hesitated, "Garff, please." He sighed,

"Two years." She just... froze. Her brothers defeated everyone then someone finally got the drop on Dean and killed him.

"How did Dean die?" Garff shut his mouth, not willing to answer her question. "How did he die!?" She repeated, she stood up, knocking over the crate she was sitting on.

"Lucifer and Michael, well... Michael." Charlie glared at him, he quickly finished the story,

"The boys found a way to finally get rid of the bastards for good. The idjits forgot to ask about the well, fail safe built into the way they destroyed the two angels." Charlie looked confused, Garff continued, "Cass told them of a way they could summon a portal to damnation, not hell. Damnation makes hell look like a cakewalk." She listened as he explained how the final sacrifice had to be a human's soul and body, and a fallen angel's soul and body. Tears welled up in her eyes threatening to fall. She wiped her face then asked,

"Why are you in New York?" The hunter smiled,

"Just a bunch of vamps that like to travel. I've been tracking them from Florida up the coast. The bastards are good at hiding." Charlie frowned, still in shock of being brought to life.

"Do you know how I'm alive?" Garff shook his head,

"There's nothing on the hunter radar about a new threat, or someone powerful enough to bring back the dead."

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