More Characters are Brought Back to Life

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Ethan stared at his best friend through the camera in shock. Apparently, the reason why Benny was acting like a dick to him recently was that Benny didn't want Ethan and the other Winchesters caught in the crossfire of a war. "That's... that's a lot to take in." Benny nodded through the camera of the Skype call then said,

"I know, but Izzy and I need your help. The Guardian's lair was blown to bits by Set, and-" Ethan stopped him,

"-you mean the god of pure evil is already here?! Benny, when were you going to tell us?!" Benny flinched at his loud voice, but Ethan was mad. The Seer has been dreaming of nightmares since the Winchesters arrived. To be exact, he's been having nightmares of Benny dying by the hand of a giant red dude. "Benny," he said in a normal voice, "tell me what to do." The Guardian sighed then he said,

"right now get some sleep, it looks like you've gotten five minutes of sleep throughout the past month." Ethan nodded then he said, "and I'm sorry." Ethan frowned, then replied,

"sorry for what?" Benny sighed and ran his fingers through his hair,

"for not telling you about this before." Ethan smiled,

"it's okay Ben, I know you've been... busy." The wizard smiled then hung up the call. Ethan watched the lights go out in Benny's window then he turned his own lights off. The Seer sighed, lying on his bed he really didn't want to go back to sleep, but he knew if he didn't Benny would get upset so he had to try.

The next morning he woke up, nightmare free. Ethan frowned, it felt like it was the calm before a storm. He got dressed, grabbed his backpack then went downstairs to walk his little sister to school, only to find she was being held hostage at gunpoint. Ethan dropped his backpack and held up his hands to let the person know he didn't want to hurt him. The person lowered the gun barrel, but still held it in their hands. Then he spoke, only 'he' ended up being a woman. "Hello Ethan, sorry to barge in like this, but I have my orders." Ethan frowned then asked,

"what orders?" The woman tightened her grip on Jane's shoulder. "More importantly, who the hell are you?" The woman glanced at Jane, the girl's eyes held fear in them. She spoke,

"Ethan, there is much you need to know, much your Guardian friend needs to never find out..." Ethan frowned, but the woman released his little sister from her death grip. Jane rubbed her shoulder in pain, then she asked,

"what's going on?" Ethan sighed,

"Jane, go upstairs. This is just one of Benny's role-playing pranks." Jane gave him a strange look but followed his instructions. Once she was in her room she turned around and locked the door. Jane sighed as she saw the woman made a large bruise on her shoulder where she was grabbed. Reaching underneath her bed she grabbed her emergency first aid kit and iced her shoulder while looking up Benny's family's history, as well as her own family's history. She found a few sketchy sites, then she landed on an article that was written during WWII. As she read it everything seemed to be more clear than before. The article was written about a supernatural phenomenon the American government covered up. In a secret base in Egypt there was an explosion killing thousands of US soldiers as well as armies from other countries trying to fight in the war. The article said survivors of the explosion were sent back to their homes and told they couldn't fight for their country again. Jane sighed as she x-ed out of the article, it somewhat helped her. Her email notification dinged so she clicked it, it was a video from someone so she pressed play.

"Jane, listen." She gasped, the person in the video was someone she met years ago named Kevin Tran, he saved her from being kidnapped by what apparently was a pack of warewolves. Afterwards, Kevin treated her as if she were his little sister. She continued to watch the video, ¨Something is going to happen, something soon. Your brother, Ethan, he's sort of like me. He's supernatural, but not my kind of supernatural, a different kind of supernatural. Besides the point..." He stopped talking for a few seconds to shout something over his shoulder. "Jane, you need to do what I say. Exactly what I say, otherwise.... let's just hope the otherwise won't happen." Jane's adoptive older brother paused then he said, "you already know Sarah is a vampire, in all honesty, her kind don't hide it as well as they think. Benny Weir will need your help, you need to help him... no matter what the cost is. I'm serious, if you don't help him and if you can't get him what he needs then the world - YEAH! I'M COMING DEAN, GIVE ME A FEW SECONDS! - sorry about that, anyways. The last thing I saw using my prophet powers, it was you and Weir fighting something, I couldn't tell what it was. There was a mix of red and black smoke surroudning the thing you were fighting. Your brother was also by yourside along with mine. You need to listen, help Benny. One more thing..." His expression went from all hunter buisness to full of sadness in a split second. "This next hunt... I won't be coming back from it, it pains me to leave you alone in this world, but once your brother finds out the truth behind Benny's family then I believe he'll do whatever it takes to save you, and keep you safe. You were the best little sister I could ever hope for... I love-" The video cut to a fuzzy screen, then it blacked out. Jane was close to tears, then she remembered what her brother said. She had to help Benny, but how? With what? The black smoke Kevin talked about from his vision were obviously demons, but what was the red smoke combined with it? Not to mention, who was the woman from downstairs? There was a crash and Jane grabbed the gun Kevin gave her on instinct, then she ran downstairs with the weapon full of demon-trapped bullets. The woman's hood got pushed off when Ethan shoved her to reveal choppy blond hair. She was holding an angel blade.

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