Vampires, Angels, and Hunters, Oh My!

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Rated: T

Sara woke up lying underneath Jesse. She groaned then shoved her ex-boyfriend off of her. "Jesse, wake up." She said, nudging his side with her foot. He groaned the stood up next to her. The two vampires were in the middle of well, nowhere. "Not that I'm complaining, but didn't the Lucifractor kill us?" Jesse turned around, looking around. He replied,

"I think if the Lucifractor wanted us dead we would be. The question we should be asking is 'where the hell are we?'" It seemed like it was this large wasteland of just... darkness. The Wasteland brought the term 'don't be afraid of the dark' to a whole new level. Sara began to walk away from the spot they woke up, but Jesse grabbed her arm. She hissed at him and he let go.

"I'm going to try to see if anyone else is here." Jesse chuckled,

"Hello!?" He shouted sarcastically, "is there anyone here?!" His voice echoed throughout The Wasteland. "See, we're alone." Suddenly The Wasteland shifted, it looked as if it were a fuzzy television screen or something. When their surroundings resurfaced she realized they were in a forest. "Great." Jesse said, "at least now we can see." The sounds of branches breaking rushed towards them. The two vampires readied themselves for a fight, but then two other people climbed over the hilltop they were on. One wore flannel, while the other wore a trench-coat.

"Um..." Flannel guy said, "who are you and how'd you get here?" Sara crossed her arms then replied,

"how about you tell us how you got here first?" Trench-coat stared creepily at her for a few minutes then he said,

"Dean, they are trustworthy. Well, the girl is." Jesse frowned then protested,

"hey! How do you even know Sara?" Trench-Coat seriously looked at him then said,

"I am Castiel, an Angel of the Lord. My friends call me Cass." Sara glanced at Jesse. The elder vampire looked as if he was going to throw up. "I have read your mind to deem you trustworthy Sara of Whitechapel." The vampiress looked surprised he knew her name. "They are vampires Dean, they aren't like the ones you fight though." The other guy, Dean, protested,

"how are they different from the vamps I hunt?" The Angel replied,

"these are ab majoribus traditus, in other words, they are the more traditional version of vampire. For example, the human story of 'Count Dracula,' is the more accurate version of these vampires." Dean smirked,

"how come they're not turning to ash if they're  like Count Dracula's legend?" Castiel responded,

"the myth of the vampire has changed overtime. They don't actually do that." Sara interrupted the two,

"okay, so where are we?" Dean frowned,

"welcome to Damnation, the eternal pit of well, Damnation." Jesse rose his eyebrows,

"so, we're in Hell?" Dean chuckled,

"At this point Haircut, I wish we were in hell." The hunter sighed, "look, imagine if hell was an infinite amount of times worse than the version of hell you can think of. Then multiply that by another infinite times over, and you aren't even close to the amount of suffering and pain you can endure while living here." Jesse stared at him in disbelief,

"so... we're stuck in a place called "Damnation" with a guy that hunts monsters, and an Angel of the Lord, for the rest of eternity?" Dean nodded, "that's just great." He stalked off to sulk near a nearby tree. Dean asked Sara,

"how'd you two get stuck down here anyways? Only humans and well, obviously the other version of vampires, and other monsters are supposed to be able to enter." The teen scoffed,

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