Lizard and Family Secrets

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Rated: T

Dean was standing next to Cass in front of a crossroads demon. He glanced at his brother. Elizabeth, Jack, and Sam were calling out for them in the abandoned warehouse. "Are you sure Dean?" The hunter nodded then stepped forward.

"Hey, Ruby, nice to see your bitch face again." The demoness cackled, her laugh echoed throughout the building.

"Hello Deanie Boy, how's Sammy?" The Winchester held up his knife, preparing to stab the demon. She simply waved her hand and both the trenchcoated hunter, and Dean were thrown against opposite walls, their bodies were like logs.

"Enough!" She shouted, holding the boys at her whim, slowly choking them to death. "I'm going to hurt you in every way I know how then I'm going to throw you in the cage your dear brother spent so much time in." Dean was able to choke out a few words,

"El-Elizabeth- deal." Ruby slightly released her power grip on him and grinned sickly at him.

"Awe!" She crooned, tracing his facial features with his own knife. "Is the big bwother coming to save the Whittle Winchester?"  Dean took the mouthful of blood he had in his mouth then spat it in Ruby's face.

"Shut up bitch. Who do you want more? Her, or me?" Dean said Ruby chuckled, then sat on a chair, acting as if it were her throne.

"Of course I want you sweet cheeks. Your bitch of a sister means nothing to me." Cass growled, he tried to break through the magical bonds Ruby had on him. "Of course her soul is worth something, but I need two to make up hers." She turned to the ex-angel, "what do you say, big boy?" They both agreed to the deal just as the door was kicked open...

"Dean?" Elizabeth asked, "what's going on? Why is she here?!" Ruby smiled, she turned to the boys she had pinned to the walls then said,

"two minutes." Then she disappeared in a cloud of black smoke. Sam helped Dean up, as Jack helped his father up.

"What did she mean?" Jack asked him, "two minutes, until what?" Elizabeth glanced at the two hunters then gasped.

"Please tell me you aren't doing what I think you're doing. Dean, we need you! Sammy, Jack and I. Please!" The eldest Winchester ignored her then looked at Sam.

"Promise me you'll get them out of the life. I don't care how I don't care when. I want them to get out." Sam nodded, then he hugged Dean.

"Brothers." Dean took off the God necklace and handed it to Elizabeth, claiming it will always keep them together. Suddenly he was turned into smoke, disappearing into the depths of death.

"Wake up!" Dean shot awake, he wasn't dealing with Ruby, instead, he was lying face down on the foresty grass carpet. "Dean?" The hunter looked up at his friend, he shook his head, then smelt cooking flesh.

"What's that smell?" Sarah stopped turning her stick in the flames and handed whatever it was to him.

"Lizard of some sort, it seems to be edible." Dean took a bite of it then smirked,

"tastes like chicken. So, where are we at with the whole, escaping this place?" Jesse crossed his arms,

"what do you mean 'escape?' We're stuck here for forever!" Dean shook his head,

"Nah man, with any luck, my siblings are ignoring my dying request and trying to get us a way to escape this pit." Cass frowned, but Sarah spoke.

"Yeah, I know Ethan is looking for us too. My ring wasn't on my finger when we arrived, I think when the Lucifractor went off it couldn't bring it with because Benny enchanted it." Dean took another bite of cooked lizard. Suddenly the trees shook as something roared, shaking the trees around them. Dean dropped the skewer and stood up, he grabbed the gun from his belt.

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