Friends and Foes

11 1 1

Rated: T

He woke up a half-hour before his alarm went off. For once, Benny didn't have any nightmares. After he showered and put on his usual attire he walked downstairs and his nose was met with the smell of pancakes and eggs. His aunt and sister were already sitting at the table eating breakfast. Benny grabbed a plate from the cabinet and sat next to Izzy, he served himself food and began to eat. As he ate, his aunt ran through the game plan for the day. "Alright, so after school, you need to figure out a way to ditch your friends so you two can meet me at the Guardians building." Benny nodded then gulped down a cup of orange juice.

"We should probably get going." He said, grabbing his bag, "otherwise you'll be late." Iz nodded then grabbed her backpack and followed him out the door, grabbing his phone off of the charger port he walked to the front door. "Come on." They left the house together, brother and sister finally reunited.

"So..." Izzy started a few minutes into the walk, "what's the plan?" Benny frowned,

"I honestly haven't thought that far ahead. I mean, if I end up knowing you the first day you're here it'll look even more suspicious than me not showing up to talk about the King of Hell giving me a nickname." Izzy shot him a look of confusion and he chuckled, "it's an inside joke." Benny fiddled with the gold chain around his neck. She asked him,

"do you know what that is?" Benny nodded, then held it out,

"Aunt Cassie said it was the symbol of Ra's, without it I won't be able to fully control the Guardian powers." Izzy nodded then pulled out her amulet. Now that he could get a good look at it he saw it was the symbol of Montu, the god of war. It was a silver band wrapped around a silver bead to make it look like two eagle wings were folding in on themselves. "That's the symbol of Montu, right?" His sister nodded, then tucked her charm back into her shirt, away from prying eyes. Benny mimicked her motion, then she said,

"all of us, each and every Guardian, we use powers from other gods, not just Ra's to protect humans." They continued walking past Ethan's house and the Winchester's apartment. "We each get chosen by a god or goddess, and train using their attributes." They turned the corner and started walking in the school parking lot. "Montu gives me guidance and advice when I face an opponent to better my chances in the fight. Other gods give their 'chosen one' -no, this is not a Harry Potter book this is real life- special added powers as well as their birth powers. Yours are latent, considering you just recently discovered the Guardians existence." They entered the school building. Students stared at Izzy since they've never seen her there before. Benny and his sister entered the main office to pick up her new schedule. They both ended up being in the same classes, but she told him she used a spell to make sure that happened. Benny rolled his eyes, then the duo started towards their first-period class.

When they entered the classroom everyone's conversation was put to a stop. The students looked at Izzy, then continued with whatever gossip they were talking about. Benny and Izzy took seats in the far corner of the room, away from the groups of gossipers. Ethan, Sarah, Elizabeth, and Jack entered the room soon after the Weir siblings did. Benny made eye contact with Ethan, Ethan broke contact first. The Winchesters sat in the row in front of the Weirs. Benny sighed, then proceded to ignore them for the entirety of the first period, only talking to them when the teacher required them to talk to each other in small group discussions. Later in the day, the lunch bell rang, signaling time for lunch. Izzy and Benny sat at a table near the back of the cafeteria, and so when Ethan and his friends entered the cafeteria Benny tried not to bring attention to him and his sister, but of course, the football team wouldn't allow it. The new varsity captain, Oliver,  didn't get the memo to not mess with the 'freaks' apparently, because now he walked straight over to Benny's table and flipped Benny's lunch tray so it landed on his shirt, staining it with lunch food. Izzy stood up in protest, but Benny shot her a look of warning then cast a mind spell so they could read each other's thoughts. Don't, he thought, he's not worth it. besides, when he's done with me he'll go after Ethan next. Benny could practically feel the inner battle raging through Izzy as she tried to push the fight down. Oliver punched Benny and the wizard fell to the tile floor. The Winchesters ran to his side, but Izzy stopped them from reaching her brother with a look that could kill. Benny just grinned and said,

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