Chapter 4

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I'm soo sorry my dear readers that its been a weeks that I haven't update. Please don't hate me, since the new year I was under so much stress due to things going on about college that I really wasn't able to write anything. Thank you for being patient with me, I LOVE YOU ALL ^_^

I hope you, my lovely readers would enjoy this chapter.


Taehyung's POV

Me: "Y/N what are you planning?" I asked her quietly, whispering to the silent night.

She is looking even more beautiful and innocent when she was sleeping. But when she's awake all she shows us is coldness, calmness and hatred. This scares me the most about her. The Y/n I knew was a lovely, lively and bright, which was long gone.

Me: "Good night Y/N" I said to her and pecked her forehead.




(In the morning)




I didn't realise that I had fell asleep beside Y/N. When I was fully awake I check her temperature which had dropped but still there was the trace of the fever from last night. I looked at my watch it was 7:24 am in the morning.

I took back the bowl and the towel to the bath room and went back to my room. I did my normal morning routines and got dressed.

(Ignore the background, glasses, mask and the stuff in his hands just focus on the outfit)

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(Ignore the background, glasses, mask and the stuff in his hands just focus on the outfit)

It was 9:07 am by the time I went downstairs for breakfast.

Your POV

You slowly open your eye to the bright sunlight that is shining directly into your eyes. You groan in annoyance for waking you up.

You try to get up but since you where feeling so weak you didn't have much strength to do so, you just gave up for a bit, to rest.

Suddenly there was an urge of coughing and then right after chain of sneezing.

Y/N: "Uugghh I have fever! Fantastic another problem added to my already so small list!" Talking to yourself. 

(Please note the sarcasm ^_^)

But you knew that you were going to catch cold. Any body in that situation last night would get it.

You look at the time on your bedside stand. 7:43 am it said. Great the woman who calls herself our eomma has gone to her honeymoon with her so called husband 2 hours ago. 

You really didn't want to get out of the bed and especially meet with those brats, but sooner or later you have to so it's better to get it over as soon as possible.

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