Chapter 3

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Your POV

 Him: "YAH! Pabo! Michyeosseo! What do you think you are doing! Is it that easy to kill yourself!" He shouted at your face angrily.  

'Who the hell he thinks he is to interfere with my own PRIVACY!'  You think to yourself in frustration.

 You were  giving him the death glares. But still you were taken back when he showed concern about you – for once in years later someone cared for you even if it was only for a second. Without realising you where showing your emotions through your eyes.

'Shit! He saw it. What would he think now? You need to hide it Y/N. Now!' your thoughts were getting all muddled up.

You didn't want him – a stranger to see your weakness. All those years you mastered how to have a perfect poker face but because of him it was cracked.

 You: "Why do you even care? You think I'm going to say thank you for saving my life?" You snort. "Don't ever expect me to say it, ok? Because of you I couldn't be with my appa today, but soon I will be and you wont be there to stop me." angrily replyed back.

You then just turned around without giving him a second look and walked off. Once the adrenaline and rage left your body you felt empty, lonely, cold and fragile.

Air was so cold that it stabbed into your bare skin like little knifes. Like everything wasn't enough there was freezing droplets on your face. You wished that the rain would wash you and your pains away. Now you was soaking to your bones - shivering really badly.

Bright lit street lights started to blur out while you walked slowly toward your house. there were those same familiar sensation of something hot and wet sliding down your cheeks. 

Once you arrived home you dreaded to go in, but what choice did you have. You lightly knock on the door. One of the maid opens the door and sees you in front of  her in surprise.

Maid: "OH MY GOD! I-I'm so-sorry young mistress! Are you ok? I'm sorry come in please!" she said anxiously.

You: "Mi na... p-please I-I'm fi-fine." You replied stuttering because you were freezing. It had rained and soaked you wet, also you had to walk all the way back home  from the bridge.

Mi na, she was one of our house maid who was only 6 years older than me. She was quite nice but still she was our worker, so she had to look after us - show affection - can't trust her actions. What if she is doing it, because of her duty? You don't want to depend on her - just so you would not get anymore hurt. You would not be able to bare any more pain.

It looks like everyone in the house hold was sleeping. Since mom and that our 'new' step dad was going to their honeymoon tomorrow morning they said that they needed good nights sleep.

Wait the worst part hasn't been said yet - your step siblings - Min Yoongi and Jiwoo has to stay behind with you and Taehyung when your 'parents' goes away.

'This is gona be fun' you bitterly thought to yourself.

Finally you arrive at your door. But before entering you look at Taehyung's door. You sigh deeply. You really missed him, but this doesn't change anything.

 Once you enter to your room it was all in darkness, only the moonlight from the huge window was illuminating up the room with cold moon light. 

You straightly walk into your bathroom and go under the hot shower with your wet clothes. You realise how cold you were when the boiling hot water touches your freezing small body. Slowly you turn the tab off while you slide down into sitting position. You blankly stare at your white tiles. You take off the wet dress leaving it there,  on the floor and you go back to your room to get dressed.

Finally at Home {BTS} (On Hold)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant