Feeling Hungry For A Noblesse Sandwich

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*All credit goes to the authors of Noblesse. I only own my OCs and changes in the plot. Enjoy~!*

Natsume's POV:

Honestly, I was just having a perfectly regular day when I suddenly felt a shock run through me. This, by the way, is not a good sign. As a demon goddess, I'm particularly sensitive to the existence of powerful beings. But this feeling was...incredible! It was a power that made me almost...hungry. I don't usually need to steal power unless I've been fighting, but this was... Wherever this power is coming from, I need to find out NOW. The humans might be messing with things that they don't understand again! I thought. I closed my eyes, determining the source of the power. I think it's somewhere in Korea! I grabbed my phone and called my brother. "Nii-chan! I'm going to Korea! Can you get me there?" I asked.

"Can I at least ask why you're going there?" he inquired.

"? You didn't feel that surge of power?"

"What are you talking about, woman???"

I shook my head, "Can you get me there or not?"

"*sigh* Sure, but that doesn't give you an excuse to stop school. I have a friend there who owns a school. I'll get you enrolled."


"You will go."

"...Are they nice, at least?" I said, my head throbbing.

"Relax, sis. He's not a creep or anything. He's human, but knows of our existence. You guys should get along fine. Although...he keeps talking about waiting for someone, so delusional: maybe."

I groaned. Just what I needed...A delusional human principal who may or may not be a creeper. I shivered. "How long will it take to get me there?" I could practically feel him grinning, "One day, tops. I've already got housing plans for you there, so you got nothing to worry about. Just get there safe, meet the principal of Ye Ran Highschool, and tell me what exactly what this "mission" is about by the time you get there. If you don't call me at least once, I will kick your butt!"

"Pssshhhh! As if! You couldn't beat me even if you tried! Keep dreaming, God of Misery*!"

"I'm taller than you, God of War!"


"Luv ya too! ~Heart~! Byeeeee, lil' sis~~~"

"Ugh, he hung up. He still has no shame," I said shaking my head, my long raven locks flowing. "Well! Time to get packing!"

~1 hour later at the airport~

"Onii-chan~! I told you! I already packed everything I need! Stop being such a mother hen!" I complained as I struggled to escape his embrace. Azuma pouted, "Is it wrong for me to worry about my baby sister?! I'm still upset about you not telling me what you're going half-way across the world for!"
A tick mark appeared on my head. "NII-CHAN! I'M GOING TO KOREA! K-O-R-E-A! It's not even that far away!" I cried, shoving him away.
"But Natsume~~~~ I LOOOVE~ YOU~~~~~!"
He sat on a bench, giving me a dirty look. "Fine, fine. But I might send someone to come check up on you at some point, 'kay?"
I started to respond as the intercom went off, "LAST CALL FOR PLANE 613. ALL PASSENGERS, PLEASE REPORT TO PLANE 613, NOW!"
"That's my cue!" I said grinning cutely, "Bye~~~"
I need to find out what that delicious power was, I thought, licking my lips, Power Sandwich-kun, here I come!*



Hey guys! Demon Goddess here! If you are reading this right now, I have to confess something...I FRIGGIN LOVE YOU. I have never done this before, so of course I'm completely new to this author thing. Your support would be lovely, and comments really energize me. So please leave comments if you can, t'would make meh very hyper! On that happy note, BYEZZZZZZZ!

1*- Azuma is the god of misery, you'll find out what he can do later! Huehuehue~
2*- If a sentence is in italics and there are no quotation marks, most likely it's what Natsume is thinking.

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