Isn't Frankenstein That Green Dude?

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~Previously on Demon God~


"Oh come on, Azuma-nii! You can't actually make me read this giant history book. I HATE history! What is this even?! "Mythological Creatures and People"?!


"Tsk. Fine."

~Timeskip brought to you by bored Author-chan~

I flipped through the book until something caught my attention.

"The Noblesse-The exact abilities of a Noblesse that differentiate them from the abilities of other nobles are unknown at this point but the Noblesse is said to be "a being with power above all others." Unlike the clan leaders or the Lord, the Noblesse does not possess a soul weapon; instead, his own "noble blood and soul" are his soul weapon. The only known Noblesse: Cadis Etrama Di Raizel.

*End of Flashback*

My eyes widened in realization and I smirked.

"Nice to meet you, Cadis Etrama Di Raizel."

"Rai's" eyes narrowed. "How did you know his name?!" Shinwu asked as Rai practically stared holes into me.

I licked my smirking lips, "Lucky guess?"

Rai's hand shot up. "I'd like to go to the chairman's office, may I bring a friend with me?"

"Sure?" The teacher said uncertainly. Rai walked over and grabbed my hand, pulling me out the door.

"My, my, Noblesse. I didn't know you thought of me as a friend," My instinctual sarcasm was beginning to override my original plans for being unemotional. Rai said nothing.

When we reached the chairman's office, Rai threw open the door and stomped inside, dragging me with him. "You know, it's rude to drag a lady around."

"Who is she, Frankenstein?"

Frankenstein looked up with a slightly perturbed expression. "Master, exactly what is going on?"

"This girl is not human, she knows my na-"

"Your name is Frankenstein? Like that green guy? You aren't green. Why aren't you green?" The two men deadpanned at me. "What?"

Frankenstein sighed, "Master, this is the last remaining demon goddess. Miss Natsume, this is my master, the Noblesse. The one I've been looking for all this time."

Ah. So he isn't delusional. "I know that."

"...I beg your pardon?"

"What do you think I came here for? I mean, I didn't know he was the Noblesse till recently. I just felt a power surge and came to check it out." I decided it was best to leave out the part when I wanted to use Vampire on him. I sweat dropped a little.

"...Well... What will you do now?"

I blinked. "Excuse me?"

"You found the power source, what will you do now?"

I started to speak, then closed my mouth. " To be honest, I don't really know," I began, "I didn't expect it to be so easy to find the power source, so I didn't exactly make plans for what happens afterward." I stared down at my shifting feet.

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