You killed someone with a trashcan?

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Natsume's POV:

Rai and I walked back to the classroom. It was still early in the morning, and I really wasn't looking forward to the rest of the day. We walked backed to the classroom and plopped down in our seats. I scooted my chair over so it was closer to Rai and Shinwu's desks.

Shinwu looked up from his phone. "Hey, you're back! Why did you two leave so suddenly?"

I snuck a peek at Rai, he had his usual poker face. "We just went to talk to the chairman about... some things."

"Like what?" The redhead raised an eyebrow.

I stood up, making my chair screech. Some of the students in the class looked at us as I strutted over to Rai. "Like how I was hired to be his bodyguard."

"What now? He has you," He pointed to us each in turn, "As his bodyguard? Why does he even need a bodyguard?! How strong are you exactly?! Why is it that all the good looking people stick together?!"

The students in the class whispered loudly until the teacher came in. He cleared his throat before speaking.

"Shinwu Han, Ikhan Wu, Yuna Seo, Natsume Ryuunosuke, and Cadi...Cadis Etrama Di Raizel. Ahem... Five of you go to the chairman's office."

I frowned. "What for?" Shinwu demanded.

" I did not ask. Did you guys get in trouble somewhere?"




We were sitting in the chairman's office. Frankenstein was explaining about a terrible incident that had happened earlier. Apparently, the others could be related to it.

"Umm... Sir..." Ikhan said, "Something is bothering me. I think I sound tell you..."

"Ikhan, feel free to say anything.

"It's about the murder case."

"Was..." My eyes widened, Could he possibly know what is going on?! I've already been filled in on this potential vampire. Could Ikhan know too?!

"Was the weapon for the murder a trash can by any chance? If so, Shinwu is the killer."

"Sir, where's your trash can?" Shinwu asked, getting up. I giggled.

"S-Shinwu?" Ikhan stammered.

"It's under my desk, Shinwu."



After a long, boring session of school, Rai and the others decided to walk to the PC Room. I packed my stuff.

"Can I tag along?" I asked, walking over to their seats.

Shinwu grinned at me, "Sure, any friend of Rai's is a friend of ours!"

I smiled devilishly, "Great! Then I hope you guys are good at games, or you're gonna get rekt!"

~Time skip, brought to you by sleep-deprived author-chan~

As we walked to the PC Room, I felt someone watching us. I sidled a little closer to Rai, feeling protective. Inconspicuously, I looked up at the people spying on us from above. They were both wearing black trench coats. Possible allies? NO. I smiled, my fire powers made my hands warmer and my adrenaline began to pump. My crazed demon side pushed at me to eliminate them. I grinned violently, my canines showing, NO. Not friends. I gave a last side-glance to the people on the roof.


Rai peeked over at me with a concerned expression. I gave him my best award-winning smile. I'll just have to kill them before they hurt Rai. If I'm going to be a bodyguard, I might as well go all-out.


Alright, people! I'll be updating again today, and be ready for some serious fluff! Bye~~~! <3

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