Once Upon A Winter

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Rai's POV:

"They don't belong anywhere..." I said, staring out the window as Natsume handed me a cup of tea.

Frankenstein frowned. "What do you mean?"

"That's what I felt from them." I sighed.

Natsume suddenly got up from her seat, walking over to me. I turned to her curiously. She glared at me and slapped the back of my head. I stood there shocked, as Frankenstein looked at us awkwardly.

"Stop being such an emo," She stood on her tippy-toes (author-chan: IDK WhAt ThEy'Re CaLlEd) and pecked me on the cheek. I blushed and watched her do same to Frankenstein. He reacted just like I did.

"Go to bed soon, you guys," she called as she walked up the stairs to her room. "I don't want to have to take care of two sleepy zombies tomorrow."


~Time Skip~

One word: Snow.

There was absolutely no way to express the incredible joy I felt when it snowed.

The ground was covered in a brilliant white. One look at the sheets of snow on the ground was simply blinding.

So I decided to express my excitement by running around the house screaming.

"SNOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs while barging into Frankie's room. I had already woken up an indifferent Rai who I was currently dragging with me.

I jumped onto Frankenstein's bed and repeatedly smacked his chest. "Frankie, Frankie, Frankie WAKE UPPPPPPPP!"

The blonde's eyes shot open with alarm, kicking me off the bed and pinning me to the ground.

"What the hell, Natsume?!" He said, recognizing me.

My eyes narrowed and I took a fistful of his shirt, leaning close to his face. "TOUCH ME AGAIN AND I'MA SET YOUR SORRY BUTT ON FIRE."

He gulped nervously, nodding.

Unknown to all was Rai by the door, bearing the faintest hints of a pout.


~Another Lovely Timeskip~

I raced outside after "Waaaahhh! It's SNOW!"

Frankenstein looked at us solemnly as Rai and I made snow angels.

I grinned. "Isn't this fun, Rai?!"

He continued to flap his arms in the snow, "Hnn..."

I laughed happily rolling back and forth in the snow. Suddenly, I jumped up and shrieked, my arms wrapped around me.


Frankie chuckled and Rai patted my shoulder.

"Honestly, you act like a child sometimes." The blonde laughed.

I pouted, "I am a child, compared to you creepy old men!"

Frankie grabbed his shirt and staggered back. "That hurt, my lady! Right here!"

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