A Small Misunderstanding...

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~Previously, on Demon God~

Natsume's POV:

"DON'T TOUCH HIM, YOU FILTHY EXCUSE OF A HUMAN." I screamed as the pointed black nails impaled me.

Frankenstein's eyes widened. I pulled my bloody arm off of the now crimson claws.

I barely even winced as my regeneration healed my arm to perfection. The silver-haired man's eyes were as wide as saucers.

I smirked devilishly, summoning Excelsior. I covered my sword in dancing black flames as I yelled one word.



I laughed maniacally, swinging a sword that was almost as big as I was. Despite its enormous size, I handled it with ease.

The silver-haired man stumbled back, gripping his freshly wounded arm. His partner rushed to his aid, forgetting all about fighting Rai. I licked the vibrant blood off of the blade.

My lips were coated in a haunting crimson as I spoke again. "WE MEET AGAIN, CURSED SON OF ADAM."

"Wh-Who are you?!" The man said, hyperventilating.

My eyes bore into him, making him flinch. "HEHEH... That's easy!" I sprinted towards him, and Excelsior became a flashing arc of death.

"I. Am. Your. GOD!"

​​​​​My fuchsia eyes glinted, and I attacked both of my enemies. I bit my lip, my inner demon was ecstatic that I was finally fighting again.

I cackled gleefully, "You should be glad I'm still using a weapon, foolish humans! If I was using my hands... YOU'D BE DEAD!"

I knocked them to the floor, several yards away from us. The two struggled to get up, panting.

Sauntering over to them, I sent Excelsior back to the demon realm. "On second thought, MAYBE IT WOULD BE FUN TO WATCH YOU BURN ALIVE!"

My hands lit up in black and red flames and I giggled insanely. I shot a ball of flames at them, the men gasped and quickly rolled out of the way.

I smirked and made a whip out of the burning flames. Wasting no time, I lashed out at them, leaving them barely a second to dodge.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" I laughed giddily, continuously whipping at their dodging figures.

Suddenly, I stopped laughing. "It's not fun anymore." (yes, I just pulled an Izaya Orihara)

I growled, making an inhuman sound. Flames shot out from me in every direction, only burning my two enemies.

Strutting over to their unmoving bodies, I examined the intricate dark wounds I had given them. (Basically what Frankenstein did to them in the original story)

They were completely unconscious.

I gave a sadistic smirk and stood up, "Playing with humans never gets old."

Frankenstein stared at me with wide eyes while Rai just sat off the the side. I reverted to my original state.

"Y-You really didn't have to do that for me!" The blonde protested.

I turned to him, tilting my head with a happy, blood-splattered smile. "It's okay, Frankie! It's my job, anyways! Besides, I love you!"

Frankenstein blushed heavily, Rai sipped tea that appeared out of nowhere, and I giggled.


Author-chan: Let me explain! See, Natsume grew up a very oblivious child. She knew nothing of the world around her, and was very sheltered and introverted. It got worse when her family died. After she was abandoned, her supernatural companions found her. They, of course, were attracted to her because of her powerful aura. However, she never saw them as more then friends. Because of this, whenever they told her that they loved her or wanted to marry her, she assumed it was a thing that friends do.

~End of Explanation~

Frankenstein face slowly turned a brilliant crimson as thoughts raced through his head. Wh-Wh-What?! I-I didn't know she felt that way! D-Does she really love me? But this is all so sudden! W-Will her brother agree?!

The man blushed again and looked down. "I-I love you... too..."

I grinned happily and skipped away, "See you back at home!"

Frankenstein's POV:

The green-eyed girl disappeared into the night, and I was left alone with Master.

I licked my lips, confused. "What just happened?"

My master patted my back and jumped onto a building, following the trail of the demon goddess.

I sighed happily, still blushing from my conversation with the young goddess.

"She loves me..."


Well, that was certainly interesting. What a tiny, eeny-weeny, pitiful misunderstanding. (Me in my head: LOL I totally planned this from the start). Also, sorry if the characters are a leeeeettle OOC, I'm working on it... Anyways, I'm superrr sorry I couldn't update, stuff came up and then more stuff happened, and through that entire time I was like... WELL, WHAT ABOUT MY READERS?! So yeah, don't hate me plz... You not hating me means a lot me.

Also! It has been brought to my attention that I didn't really tell you a lot about myself... So here ya go!



Alias: Demon Goddess; Iyce Rivers (pronounced Ice Rivers)

Age: *sigh* ... 12

Talents: Art, Gaming

Hates: Commitment

Loves: You

A Little Background: 'Sup, people. I'm Iyce Rivers, you can call me Demon Goddess. Lessee... I'm actually 12, I'm obsessed with the holidays, I hate school, I can sing okay, and I play a lot of online games. Oh! That's right! And I'm an art prodigy (<---- Has no shame or modesty)! I realized that I loved you the moment you started reading this, and I hope that you keep reading despite my non-existent update deadlines. Luv Ya!

Btw, just wanted you to know that the next chapter will have a lot of drama! So check that out when it comes! BYEZZZZZ!

Happy Holidays! XOXOXOXOXOXO,

A Little Girl On Her Computer

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