Never Again

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Natsume's POV:

I woke up to Frankenstein's worried voice. I shifted a little, discovering that I was on the sofa. Suddenly, I remembered the earlier events. I groaned miserably. Frankie's eyes shot towards me.

He grinned, "Miss! You're awake!"

"What happened~?"

Frankie suddenly looked uncomfortable. "Well... I got them to go away... But they were kind of obsessed with taking videos of the chaos. Also... I just thought you should know... I agreed that you would be part of a photo-shoot happening in a while."

I froze, then my voice came roaring out. "What was that, HUMAN?" I closed my eyes, only for them to open as a brilliant fuchsia. My hands were enveloped with burning black flames. I summoned Excelsior. The bright green and gold sword glinted as I pulled it to the area in front of my face. "You, me, outside. NOW."

The man gulped and backed up. "Let me explain-" Just then, the phone went off. Frankenstein grabbed the phone and shot me a sheepish smile. He listened on the phone for a minute, then his face went slack. He hung up and ran to the door, grabbing his jacket. Rai stood and followed him.

He bit his lip and turned to me. "My lady, Master and I will be out for a while. Please stay home! I know you're mad right now, but it's very dangerous outside!" And then they were gone.

I just stood there, relishing the silence and replaying all the recent events in my mind. I gracefully closed my eyes and smiled, reverting to my original form.

It's peaceful... But also a little... A tear found its way down my cheek. But also a little... lonely...

I remembered days when I would play with my beautiful sister. Laughing and rolling around in the fields, picking flowers, everything was fun when I was with her. The days when my sister and I lived in pure bliss. The days before I learned my sister was an exorcist, and she learned I was a demon.

Tears fell one after another, till I was sobbing my eyes out. I crumpled to the floor. "WHY WAS I BORN LIKE THIS?!" I screamed. Then my sobbing ceased and I was left sniffling.

"... Where did I go wrong... " I mumbled to myself. Here I was, crying my eyes out, when most likely my friends were fighting for their lives. I pulled myself together and got up. Suddenly, I smelt someone's blood.

My eyes widened. "Shinwu?"

I tugged my boots on and ran out the door. You can never fix your past...but that's okay. Because it makes you to remember that you still have the present.

I ran and ran, rounding corners, leaping from rooftop to rooftop. Only one thought was running through my mind.

I won't lose the people that I love this time. I won't let then touch my friends. I bared my demonic canines. Not now, not EVER!


Frankenstein's POV:

As we entered the building, I felt a powerful presence in the area. I whipped around... there was no one there.

That's funny, I thought I felt someone behind me. Could it be... Lady Natsume? I shook my head. No! She would know better than to come out here. But then again...

Master gave me a curious glance. I smiled at him, sweating a little. I turned around one last time, almost expecting the black haired girl to be there. As I started forward again, I could have sworn I saw a flash of green behind me...

~Time skip brought to you by Author-chan who needs sleep~

The two inhuman men furiously leaped at us. I calmly dodged as Master deflected a punch. The men stared at us, horrified, as I grinned. I looked at my master with pride. In an act of desperation, the silver-haired man took advantage of my distraction. Too late I realized that there were long, pointed nails nearing my undefended face. I could only watch, as the sharp black nails neared my eye in slow motion.



Natsume's POV:

"DON'T TOUCH HIM, YOU FILTHY EXCUSE OF A HUMAN." I screamed as the pointed black nails impaled me.

Frankenstein's eyes widened. I pulled my bloody arm off of the now crimson claws.

I barely even winced as my regeneration healed my arm to perfection. The silver-haired man's eyes were as wide as saucers.

I smirked devilishly, summoning Excelsior. I covered my sword in dancing black flames as I yelled one word.


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