Gaming with the Guys

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Natsume's POV:

"We're here!" Ikhan said with a satisfied grin. Shinwu turned to me, "On a scale of 1 to 10, how good are you at shooting games."

"Good enough to put you and a certified army veteran in your places." I stated smugly.


~56 victories and 56 losses later~

Shinwu sulked in a corner while I sipped on some coke. I glanced at him, "Stop sulking, dude. I beat you fair and square." He grumbled and plopped back down in a chair next to us. Looking over at Yuna and Rai, I could still see that Rai was losing continuously. Suddenly, Ikhan turned to me.

"By the way Natsume, aren't you younger than us?"

I twitched, "... I think so. I'm 15."

"Oh! Then we are older than you!"

I swayed and smiled, "Then I suppose I should call you guys Sempai! Ah! I wanna try it out!"

I put the soda bottle down and skipped over to Rai. "Sempai~!" He looked up curiously. "I looooove~ you~~~~!" I said cutely, leaning down to hug him. He looked away, blushing a little. I grabbed my soda, sat down next to him and giggled, the others laughed.

Ikhan tilted his head and blushed, "Oh wait, I've never noticed cause you're always around us... but you're really pretty, aren't you. Don't you think so Rai?" Rai nodded swiftly.

"Awwww~! Thanks!" I held my soda up to Rai. "Hey Rai, want some coke?" Rai nodded again and slowly brought the bottle to his lips.

Yuna smiled and laughed, "Didn't you already drink from that, Natsume?"

I blinked, "Yeah, so?"

Shinwu deadpanned, "Rai, you lucky little-"

But Shinwu was cut off when Rai started coughing at an alarming rate. I rushed to his side and patted his back.

"BAKA! You're not supposed to drink soda like that! You'll choke!" His coughing ceased . "*sigh* What am I gonna do with you? Y'know, when I decided to be a bodyguard, I did not realize how hard it would be to keep you from killing yourself!"

"That's right," Ikhan started, "Why does Rai need a bodyguard?"

I looked unsurely at Rai, "U-Umm..." His eyes shifted to me and quickly went back to the coke bottle.

WHAT DO I SAY?! I thought, panicking.

I made a feeble attempt at hiding behind his chair. "Sempai~! Help me out!" He patted my shoulder and sipped on the soda. A tick mark appeared on my head. I grabbed the coke from his hand and chugged it, "BAKA SEMPAI! You're no use!" Rai just stared at me while the others sweat dropped.

Shinwu broke out of the trance. "...So are you gonna answer?"

I stared at him with a drunk expression, "He-*hic*-He's a danger to hims-himself!" Then my world went black.

Rai's POV:

Shinwu broke out of the trance. "...So are you gonna answer?"

Natsume stared at him with a drunk expression, "He-*hic*-He's a danger to hims-himself!" Then she collapsed.

We all stared at her limp body until Ikhan broke the silence. "Did-Did she just get drunk on coke?!"

I sighed a little and picked up the green eyed girl. The others looked at me, surprised. "You're going to carry her all the way back?"

I nodded. Ikhan picked up his bag, "Let's go then!"

If Natsume is supposed to look after me... I suppose I should look after her too... I thought, smiling.


Rai's POV:

Natsume had woken up a while ago, but was still 100% drunk. How exactly did I know? She was clinging to my arm and giggling. While we were walking home, we saw two people in black trench coats.

M-21's POV:

We saw the kids we were after, and began to walk towards them. One of the girls was giggling a lot, was she drunk? I studied her face, green eyes. Was she a foreigner?

As we walked closer to them I realized the black haired boy and the green-eyed girl were giving off a weird vibe. As we began to walk past them, the green-eyed girl stopped in her tracks and squinted at me. I looked uncertainly at her.

She reached out towards my hair and felt it. "Mister! Your hair is silver! Was it always like that? Did you know it was silver? It's prettyyyy!"

I blushed heavily as she retracted her arm. She hid behind the black haired boy and giggled, peeking over at me from behind his shoulder.

"Natsume!" The brown haired boy scolded. "You can't just do that to random strangers!" "Natsume" pouted.

He turned to me, "I'm really sorry about that, mister! Our friend isn't herself right now!"

We just nodded and walked away. While M-24 and I walked off, the target snapped his fingers.

"Yes, they do look familiar!" No way... M-24 and I thought.

"That big guy looks like our homeroom teacher, doesn't he?"

The green-eyed girl, "Natsume", looked at the target weirdly. "Eh? What are you *hic* guys t-talking about?Weren't those the guys on the roof?" She giggled hysterically.

A shock went through me and I gulped.

"Eh? What are you talking about Natsume?" The target asked.

"Eh? Did I *hic* say something?" She smiled innocently, then turned to the brown haired girl and tugged on her sleeve, "Mommy, can I have a lolli-*hic* lollipop?"

The group deadpanned. "No one here will give her soda EVER again," The target said. The others nodded.

The kids left in a different direction than us, pulling the green-eyed girl by her arm. We were about to call our useless scumbags when the green-eyed girl turned around and waved at me, grinning.

M-24 glanced at me. "What was that all about? And how did she know that we were watching them?" I gave one final glance at the strange girl.

"I don't know..."

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