Chapter One: The Betrayed General

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 Felucia, the Felucian System

Leading the clone troops of the grand army of the Republic, Aayla stood. Scouting the vicinity for Sepertist droids, and sure enough there they were. The high ground was her advantage, she used her elctrobinoculars to peer even futher. She glimpsed at least four tanks and at least two sets of eighty ground troops. All carrying a modified blaster rifle. Sixteen assassin droids lead the march, they definitely had their work cut out for them. She rounded up the few troops she had left and the three AV7 cannons. Setting up an attack, then realizing her shortness of troops.

"Commander?" Aayla inquired. A human male came from behind her. He was dressed in orange and white armor, who obediently replied: "Yes General Secura?"

"Connect me to Captain Ruee, I need to ask her for reinforcements.  We could pull off a ambush if were lucky. But without help, they will succeed and overpower us."

"Consider it done General."

The commander tapped in the Republic codes for captains. Then entered the pin of her ship. Igniting a small blue hologram of the captain, coming from a disk-like part of his forearm's armor plate. 

"Captain, there are more droids than expected. Can you spare anymore troops?" sympathized Aayla.

"General, I'm sorry but we gave the clones we could spare to General Yoda on Kashyyyk. We could send some on your way now but it will take hours to reach you," sighed Ruee.

"Ok, thank you captain. We'll wait for reinforcements," nodded Aayla. The transmission ended, and the little blue hologram faded away. Her lekka released tension as she exhaled deeply. This war had driven the Jedi to break and bend the rules of their code, they had lost their way. Every member of the Council had known that. So did every Jedi master, like her self.

"I came back with the inventory count like you asked General Secura. We do have a dozen more impact grenades and twenty thermal detonators from our last count. If I may suggest, we could pull a two part ambush," winced Commander Stag. 

Aayla processed this proposition and thought. 'well we could fire above the treeline' causing her eyes to shift from the commander awaiting a response, to the immensely large fungus shading the jungle planet from the heat of the two suns saturating the planets solar system. 

Finally coming back form her deep thought, Aayla shook her head as if her thoughts were leached onto her, and she couldn't get the off. 

"Commander, set up the cannons upon the bottom of the forest floor and hide them well ahead the ambush line, in case the droids manage to escape. Then have the majority of your men climb up the top of thoses fungus planets surrounding the target point, I'll send you the coordinates." She said, pointing to the specific plants she was talking about. 

Commander Stag shook his head up and down, nodding. Marching away and giving the sudden order and war scheme to the rest of the clones. 

Watching him, it hit her. Again. 

The visions  most of the masters were feeling and experiencing, the end of the war. Aayla didn't know by whom, but she suspected that the looming threat of the Sith Master would be revealed. One thing she knew for sure was the grave danger the Jedi were in. Aayla sat down in the makeshift tent paces away, and crossed her legs, closed her eyes, and meditated deeply in the Force to calm her strained emotions. 

Upholding his promise, Commander Stag rounded up his men and stationed them on the high mushroom tops, that over looked Felucia. But then breaking some of his men to the AV7 to attack from a far. All that was left to do was to escort General Secura to the battle point-then something clicked in Stag's brain. So did his other millions of clone brothers scattered around the galaxy. The execution of Order 66. The small chip planted in their brains told them to kill all Jedi, and that as far as now, the Jedi are traitors to the Republic. Looking around Stag nodded to his brothers though his helmet as they casually marched to the general's tent. 

Stag spoke up, "General we are all prepared for the ambush. Just awaiting for your lead, if you don't mind me and the men would prefer to stay behind you. Just in case the Separatists send a droid scout." 

Aayla tiled her head. Slightly confused but shook it off and kindly replied, "Yes Stag, you have my permission. Cant be too cautious in a battle field can we?" She said smirking.

Stag shook his head and continued, "the speeder bikes are just ahead. Shouldn't be a bit further, I'm ready to kill thoses clankers," he said, laughing at his own humor. 

They thought to wait a bit, to keep the element of surprise. Aayla suspected nothing harmful from her loyal clone troops. Until that first plasma bullet penetrated her leg, then the middle of her back. It happened without warning, and started when the five clones behind her quietly pulled out their blaster rifles, and even more quietly aimed the sights at her, Then turned the impact nob from stun, to kill, and finally set the fire mode to rapid.

All that was left was a dead body, the smell of burning flesh, and smoke escaping the tip of their blaster rifles. This was the beginning of the fall of the Republic, and the rise of the Empire. The Republic was a place of democracy. Rising from its ashes was the dictating rule of the Empire. Ruled by Emperor Palpatine, and secretly also the master of the Sith. Enemy's with the Jedi since their creation. The Jedi thought they vanquished the Sith, but now one remained. 

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