Chapter Nine: Capture

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The Jedi were starved for days and tortured aboard one star destroyer in particular, 'The Tenibris' one specifically designed to hold Jedi and was made to allude through their powers. Sidious built this before his creation of the Empire, and used this to hold powerful and most wanted Jedi. Without food, very little water, let alone light for days, the Jedi finally got visitors. Stormtroopers escorted them to again, to the dock bay of the Star Destroyer. 

They boarded a smaller version of the Star Destroyer they were in, and had to adjust to the bright light. But before they could, the Jedi were thrown into yet another set of cells. It took them twelve standard hours to reach the galaxy's capital, Coruscant. To where they were brought to the Emperor's Palace. They entered all at once, into his office. Where behind him was Darth Vader who silently stood behind his master. Royal Guards on the other side of Sidious's desk, handed the Jedi back their lightsaber.

Astonished by this, the Jedi looked around as if this were a trap. To clarify their questions Sidious spoke.

"For food, water and a chance to live, smite each other down." He his in his hood. The only part of Sidious you could see was his glowing yellow eyes. The Jedi looked amongst each other and three of them charged at Sidious, who effortlessly force pushed them out the window. The two that didn't were Aayla and Shaak. They looked at each other, with tears streaming down their faces. Shaak nodded at Aayla and stood her ground. 

Aayla picked up her lightsaber and decapitated Shaak. Her head and body fell to the floor. So did Aayla, she couldn't believe what she just did but she knew deep in her heart that Shaak would forgive. The room was silent, until Aayla broke it, "What is thy bidding, my master." She said towards Sidious.

He cackled a booming laugh under his hood. Then instructed, "Rise Dark Jedi, your work now begins." 

                                                                                          The End

                                                                               (Hope you enjoyed)

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