Chapter Three: A Night Of Regret

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                  Shaak helped Aayla up from the ground and her lead her to the ship she escaped the temple from. Aayla explained what happened and how she ended up on Felucia, and thanked Shaak multiple times for saving her, The planet was abandoned, the clones left after killing Aayla. Fleeing to help other clone brothers, to hunt and kill more Jedi. That unknown to them hid in the Outer Rim of the galaxy just like they did. 

"He knows I'm alive, and that I left, Anakin just doesn't know where to find me...for now," Shaak commented.

"If Palpatine killed all the masters who went to arrest him, did he purge more-with Anakin?" Aayla questioned. 

"I don't know," Shaak brushed off.

Changing the subject Shaak Ti said, "the suns setting. We need a fire if we want to survive the night," she looked around, "and it looks to late to hunt. Come on, lets go south, we haven't checked that way. Just remember what direction were going, ok?"

"Got it," Aayla nodded. 

The two ventured out south from their ship, just as they planned. Scrounging for wood and bark. While searching the women found native plants and took a sample from each one to see if it served a purpose or if it was a waste of time. On top of a hill they sprinted up, they saw the planets natives with primitive clothes on and clubs for weapons. Made out of ranchor bones. A mammoth type beast that was uncommon to the northern hemisphere of the planet.  Sadly, by nightfall they turned up with two branches, and a hunk of flint. Not what they hoped for but it serviced for the little needs they had. 

It took only a few minutes for the women to make a fire, they briefly called upon the Force to assist them. They sat around the fire in silence, and just warmed up hearing the music of the birds and animals that inhabited the planet. Again, the both started shaking, the days they had were incomparable, and ones they would never forget. Here, you didn't have to be a Jedi to know what they were thinking. 

Then Aayla stood up, "I'll kill him." Her face expression was angry but it glistened bright in the moonlight of Felucia.

Shaak masked herself with a bitter disgust towards Aayla. Then replied, "that isn't the Jedi way, Aayla."

Aayla looked down at her and scowled, "there are no Jedi left but us, the order is destroyed as we know it."

Her response to that was, "yes, the order may be destroyed and we might be the lasts of it, but from its ashes we rebuild, the Jedi of old did it. Why couldn't we? And the death of Anakin would never make up for the brothers and sisters we lost today. You know that."

"Well I can't do anything in this Ashla forsaken jungle," complained Aayla.

Her lekka scrunched up in anger and her skin started to turn more purple. Her expression made Shaak Ti study her up and down. Her posture was curvy and her completion was grimy, the night was silent all you could here was the jungle animals in the distance and Aayla breathing heavily. Her shadow casted a outline of her that Shaak looked at, instead for the real her. Then Aayla snapped her fingers at Shaak. Her hypnotic state ceased. 

"Shaak I'm going to bed, there's a tree right above the ship," Aayla informed. She pointed to the tree she decided to rest in.

Then continued, "tomorrow I'm going to Coruscant, and I'll be dressed as a citizen. You'll either come with me or stay on this rock forever."

Shaak bit her tongue before saying, "your being rash!" Her face color matched her emotions. Her skin was red from the fires illimitation.

The two tried to sleep. But the planet's moon was so bright it keep them up, Shaak slept in the cargo space like she predicted. Thinking about the anger she threw to Aayla, it devastated her that it came to this, the remaining Jedi in the galaxy were fighting like children over a credit. She had to scrunch up her body to fit into the closet like cargo space. She thought Ashla the goddess of light, was testing her, but she was a Jedi. She had a will stronger than others, and in theses times, people needed that.

When Aayla came to, the smell and sizzling sound of something cooking hit her senses. Instincts took over, leaping from a tree that she was posted on, shaking the tree to it's roots! The Jedi landed conveniently in front of the fire, where some type of bird egg was cooking. With Shaak tending to it, then looking and smirking to Aayla. She looked down famished and remembered her manners.

"Shaak, I'm sorry about what I said last night, and I know what I said was just me being angry that Anakin, he could just...with ease. Its scary, Shaak... I'm scared."

Responding, she said, "Aayla I understand what you mean, and what you're going through. Come, eat, we haven't had a proper meal since yesterday."

Her wince slowly turned into a frown at the sheer thought of the Jedi Temple where they all lived, now bombed and set ablaze. The man who issued such a thing was the Emperor of the galaxy, formerly known as Chancellor Palpatine of the Republic's senate. From the side of the log she sat on, Shaak pulled out two flat rocks and handed one to Aayla in substitute for a plate. They both inhaled their food, which was fairly small. At noon they scavenged for the fruits and edible vegetation in the jungles that shaded the sun, not only growing in scarce patches, but scattered around the planet. They found their way back to the ship, and that triggered Aayla to think of something. 

"Courscant..." she whispered, Shaak's head turned to her friend.

"What?" Shaak asked.

"Their could still be survivors! I need to go save them!"

"Their either dead or fled to the Outer Rim like I did. Our best for survival is staying here. don't you see that?"

Aayla started to pace around the campsite, "I do but the Younglings, Padawans, I could help them."

"No! to dangerous, Palptine has that planet on lockdown. They know everyone and everything that comes in or out." Shaak argued.

Aayla chuckled, "that's my point they would never expect a Jedi to come back."

Shaak pondered. Then inquired, "how will you get in?"

Then with a heavy twi'lek accent, and looking down at that ground, she responded, "Ryloth is my home, I seek refuge in it's carnage," Smiling at Shaak.

After what seemed like a whole minute, Shaak responded. "It's risky, but smart. I'm staying here, if we both get caught Ashla knows what going to happen to us. There will be no more Jedi if we do."

Aayla looked slightly confused, then clarified. "So just me going?" 

Shaak nodded.

"Then I'll go." Aayla confirmed, she grabbed water from the survival pack and started up the ship ignighing it's thrusters. Finally, waving goodbye to Shaak as she left Felucia.

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