Chapter Four: A Trip To Coruscant

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                                      Aayla landed her ship on Level 43 of Coruscant's underworld, below the actually main city. The city's of Coruscant layered on top of one another, down to the very core of the planet, this way of building has repeated over and over in the planets history. 

Level one and other levels was where the city's garbage companies threw away the trash of the higher levels. The poor and reclusive lived in the levels of Coruscant. Levels one thousand through nine hundred and fifty were reserved for landing to the top dwellers. 

Therefore only the rich lived on the top of the planet, and the middle class lived in the higher levels of Coruscant and the poor dwindled in the lower levels. 

Since her credits were few, Aayla called upon the Force to persuade the tendent to let her land her ship free of charge. She had used this trick before during the Clone Wars but could use a bit of practice.

The Twi'lek Jedi walked out the freightport and saw the incoming transport ships filled to the rim with cargo freights as big as Imperial Walkers. 

She waited on the elevating pad and took it down the streets of Coruscant, the sunset entered the small glass elevator, and illuminated her blue skin, like a wolf in sheep's clothing, she hid her beauty and identity in fear of being recognized by authorities, however far in the distance, was her home: The Jedi Temple. 

She covered her mouth as she gasped at the sight of the rubble that was, the Jedi Temple. She now knew, her life would never be the same, and the Jedi would become nothing but a memory to the people of the galaxy, a Order of monks that had their own intentions and agenda in mind. 

But Aayla knew that was not true, and the Jedi strayed away from what they originally believed in: the power of the Force. The Jedi's eyes watered at the sight, but Aayla Secura told herself to keep it in, and control her feelings as regrets and fear, rushed into her heart.

 Like her memory of it, the view of the Jedi Temple went away as the elevating platform reached it's ground destination. Aayla walked out to the streets of Coruscant's feeling claustrophobic by the thousands of people each trying to reach their destination. 

As the Jedi walked, she forgot her lightsaber was strapped around her belt in plain sight, swinging in accordance with her movement. 

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With a quick slash of his lightsaber Darth Vader stood over the dead Quarren male, who was guarding the man he was after. Gii'ar WIllom to his spies, had information on a small grouping of Jedi on a planet called Kashyyyk. 

Days ago the Jedi threw everything they had at the Empire on Kashyyyk and apparently they still lived. He Force pulled the small Trandoshian from where he stood. 

Forcefully asking, "What Jedi will be on Kashyyyk?" The Sith grabbed hard with his two hands and seized Gii'ar's neck.

The scaly being chocked but managed to blurt out, "Su- surviving J-Jedi Masterss....oouuh," following that, a snap of the neck filled the open mud villa. 

Vader walked out the rural village, he had gotten his information. All the farmers had fled inside their homes or into the bars just to avoid Vader. He was nothing  they had seen ever before, let alone the entire galaxy.

But they shall soon fear the name Darth Vader. That's what Darth Vader and his master had envisioned anyway. His obsession with Obi-Wan and his death, had worsened. 

He tried to hid it from his master, but he suspected he knew, his master asked of him only this, to report his findings and keep his master informed with what he was doing.  

As he was walking to his TIE Advanced ship, he paused and turned around at the aftermath of the village, and the smell of slaughter that filled the dank air. He activated his Holocom to update his master on what he discovered. 

He knelt while waiting for the hologram of his master to appear. Then it did- a image of his master's face dwelled in the darkness of his cloak. 

The cloak covered every facial feature except for the Sith Lord's wiry chin, and his deep raspy voice. 

His Master spoke, "What have you found, Lord Vader."

Vader inhaled through his respirator and replied, "Master, I have acquired the manifest for the Jedi cowering on Kashyyyk, finally we will destroy the Jedi, and will pose no threat to our Empire." 

The sand storm of Ryloth deflected off his armor. He did not need to see his masters face to tell him that he was pleased, the loud cackle of his master echoed through his Holocom.

The laugh soon went away though, to the Emperor saying, "Apprentice, I see you are longing for the death of Obi-Wan, in fact, I can feel your rage from across the galaxy. But I assure you, it will come in due time, you will have your revenge in time. Ninety six hours to be exact, should he be at Kashyyyk. Report back to Captain Atlas's Star Destroyer and meditate on the current events. You will need your strength for what is to come my old friend. My fleet will meet up with you in the Kashyyyk System."

Again, Darth Vader replied with seldom, "Yes my master." The transmission cut out leaving Vader to report to Captian Atlas's Star Destroyer.

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With caution, Aayla edged the around the corner of the market plaza. She stared to sprint, then run, to the entrance of the Jedi Temple that was yards away. When a voice from behind her bellowed, "Halt!" she froze where she was a fearful feeling set into her body.

Two stormtroopers caught up to where she was, when one asked, "where are you going?"

Aayla stuttered and hesitated, then the other one asked, "Where is your ID?"

She couldn't handle it, she waved her hands and softly instructed. "You WILL forget about me, both of you will go back to your post." The two stormtroopers repeated, and did what the Jedi said. She used a type of force ability to take hold of the minds of the stormtroopers and command them what to do all before saying in her head, 'So thoses are the soldiers of the Empire' their black and white armor reflecting the sun of this solar system. 

She casually walked back to where she was going, the Jedi Temple. It towered over her for all of her life, but now it's ashes and ruins were not much taller than she was. She got down on her knees, thinking of how she spent her life in The Temple, her only home she has ever known. Now

destroyed by an evil dictator. Revenge wasn't the Jedi way and even at a horrible time in her life like this, she still knew and understood that Jedi rule. She picked herself up, that's what her fallen brothers and sisters would want her to do. 

She walked to the reclusive industrial part of Coruscant. She entered a local eatery called Dex's Diner. She had never heard of it but decided to order food there, still having her cloak on, she entered. Taking a seat in the back. 

But the cook in the kitchen seemed to eye her on her way. Almost like he could even see right threw her secrecy. He threw the towel down on the counter and the Besalisk, a four armed, alien species, [Anything besides humanoid] neared towards her. 

Aayla ducked her head down, thinking of the worst possible outcome. Unknown to her, he was a Jedi sympathizer, who cared and liked the Jedi Order.

Thank you guys so much for reading! I know I haven't been on in a few months and I'm really sorry, but now I will post every Friday a new chapter of one of my stories.  

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