Chapter Six: The Calm Before The Storm

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Scouting for the origin of the sound, Shaak stared up at the sky, and saw covering the sun, was a ship. Right above her. She hurtled out of the way, Anakin must have found out she was here, he must have. Shaak squatted behind a bush that cover the outskirts of the large clearing. It landed and just sat off for a minute. Then a abrupt sliding from the ships door, and out came a familiar friend, Aayla Secura.

Shaak was frozen in her place and let Shaak run up to her, as their torso's touch, Shaak felt like she could finally move. She wrapped her hands around Aayla, noticing her Lekka had creases along the top, her smile went away, and knew her friend was stressed out.

"I'm so glad you're ok, I thought, I tho.." Shaak sympathized.

"Shaak, no, I'm fine now please," Aayla beseeched.

"I need to ask you something. There are survivors! More Jedi in the galaxy than you and me, and their meeting on Kashyyyk against the new Republic called the Empire controlled by Palpatine, who is now the Emperor of the galaxy."

Shaak knew what her friend meant, and she needed to escape the shell of a women she had become on Felecia. So she agreed to go to Kashyyyk, and they both prepared for the hyper jump into space. To see the survivors, and fellow fallen peers. Both never fathomed how something could happen like this so fast. But both were ready to change and avenged their fallen Jedi.

Darth Vader reached the Star Destroyer that his master was aboard. His ship landed in the large hanger, he took a elovator to the ninety sixth level, then took another one to the bride of the ship. He entered and walked past the the briefing graph and saw ahead his master communicating with the captain. Three other Star Destroyer's followed behind their lead, they were in the solar system and were only millions of miles away, which wasn't that much, considering the technology the Empire had at their disposal. Hours turned to minutes as he, his master, the captain, and the other three Star Destroyers, full of TIE Fighters, reached the planet.

Vader's master spoke, "We have arrived apprentice, prepare to encounter..Jedi. Ha hah haa."

"I shall prepare a launch for the planet's grounds, master," Added Vader.

"Good." His master finished. Vader went to the barracks of the Star destroyer, and rounded up all the stormtroopers he could, then lead them to the main hanger bay of the Star Destroyer. Each of them jumped into a TIE Fighter and flew to board the planet. 

The other Star Destroyers did the same but had a variety of ship consisting of TIE Fighters, and Walker Holders, that magnetically carried the eight ton Imperial Walker, that had more fire power than any long range weapon the galaxy has known. A new edition to the Empire's Weaponry. First they hit the planets atmosphere, and when the big trees of the planet were in view, and small little brown specs, the Walker Holders dropped the Walker. 

It sent the five hundred pound Wookies flying fifty feet hitting the ground hard. But the Wookies that the legs of the Walker hit, got crushed. Tearing their thick hide and dense fur. A further ways from the attack lines, was a group of wooden huts set up high in the trees to watch the battle below. The trees had been cut out and dug out of, so the Wookies could live inside them. That's at least what Aayla thought as she was with Shaak and other surviving Jedi, twenty at the most. They were the third wave, until the Imperials stopped hiding in their TIE Fighters and ceased bombing to the postured trees. 

Previously when the two women arrived, they were filled in with what had happened with the galaxy while they were on Felucia. Emperor Palpatine, Chancellor Palpatine of the Republic, at the time, framed Jedi Master Windu, one of the most powerful and caring Jedi of the whole order, for betraying the Republic.

Claiming the Jedi wanted to rule the galaxy, and that the Jedi were going to kill him, and Anakin was the Jedi that saved the Emperor. The young hero dueled with a former peer and him too, left the young Anakin scared, disfigured, and deformed. The Emperor abused Order 66, the one Senate Order that the Jedi agreed to, if at all the Jedi turned to the Dark Side a chip in the clones had them turn on their Jedi generals, as well as the rest of the galaxy would hate the Jedi. Palpatine made a name, and not in a good way, for the Jedi. 

Order 66 wiped out 98% of the Jedi Order. The survivors hid, or fleed to planets who welcomed the Jedi and saw through Palatine's lies, they where his first target of planets to control. As they were the only ones who knew the Jedi were actually good people, and with them at their knees, no one else would question his authority or question the false evilness of the Jedi. Their was no now doubt in Aayla's mind that Palpatine was a Sith Lord, she would avenge her love Kit Fisto and her fallen brothers and sisters. 

She would do it for them. She snapped back into reality and planed the wrought of attack the Jedi would take to win with her surviving peers. Hearing below in the battle grounds, blaster fire, and the battle cry's of the furry Wookies.

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