Chapter Two: The Survivor

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Near Coruscant, one of the core worlds

Disbelief shook Shaak Ti's body. For what she witnessed at the Jedi Temple-a place she called home, was now in flames and chaos. Simultaneously, Shaak felt the death of her brothers and sisters of the lightside. It, taking energy from her like small pieces of her soul being ripped. The balance of the Force was nonexistent and now shifted to the bitter and ruthless dark side.

She left them, left them all. Instead of dying herocially like that Jedi way preached, she panicked and left in one small Jedi shuttle. She needed to hid from the clones, and him...Skywalker. He was the tratior, the one who could sneek into the Jedi Temple and not get harmed. The Council warned him about Chancellor Palpatine, she was sure now that he was the one who turned Anakin, not himself, to the dark side. She pushed those negative and regetful thoughts out of her mind, as Shaak's main focus was fleeing Coruscant.

The first planet that popped in her mind was the jungle planet of Felcia. With large flowers, and tall exotic plants as tall as towers. The tortuga entered the system into the NAV computer and sent the cordinates to the data frame. From there the ship had its location, she pulled the hyperdrive lever causing it to travel across the galaxy in a matter of hours.

Upon her arrival Shaak sent down the ships bright thrusters down, forcing them to kiss the moist soil of Felucia, she then turned off the ship. Proceding to lower the cargo ramp and exit. Inhaling deeply the thick moist air of Felucia, she had no plan, she didn't even know how long she would be here, but what she did know is that she had to hide, and stay hidden for a long time. Shaak decided to spend the first few nights in her ship. It already had a small cabin, enough for a crew of three to four, in addation she was hungry from the flight. In the small emergency bag she took from the Jedi Temple, had it's food gone from her snacking earlier.

Not to mention, Shaak needed some sort of wood for a fire if she hoped to be warm in nights. As heat materialized from the ship, but it costed to run all night, lowering its battery, and she might need it again for a quick escape. Yet, the trees here squishy and damp. Most of the rocks had minerals and traces of flint in them. She could use one to start the fire, She walked straight ahead in fear of getting lost. Keeping her eyes peeled upon the ground for some sot of dry wood, then she lifted her eyes up to see somethig a few steps away. In that instant is when she saw the corpse of her dear friend, Aayla Secura. She rushed to her fallen friend's side.

The two trained together at the Jedi temple in their prime, and spent the little time they had as Jedi, reading in the Jedi Temple's library together. In desperation, Shaak felt her pulse, Aayla was dead. But maybe just if she could pull it off, it might work. Shaak witnesed Jedi Councilor's practice this healing power. Force Healing, it was called. The power took healing proprtites from the Force and added it into the targets body, healing them completly. Shaak closed her eyes and shook her hands, as she squatted down to her dear friend.

Preparing herself for what might or might not go right, Shaak focused and called upon the Force to aid her to do things ordinary beings can't do, it was her tie to the Force that made her a Jedi, that made her do only a few in the galaxy could do. The Force answered that call and flowed through her body, she channeled it to Aayla with her hands as the Force flowed through her.

The Twi'lek's body turned from a light blue to it's natural color, a purplish blue. Slowly. Shaak realized it was working! Though it drained her energy even more than it already did. At last a loud inhale and a popping of the from Aayla was heard, she came back into the galaxy.

Aayla shook and shouted, "The clones! Their tratiors to the Rupublic, run!" She didn't even realize Shaak was behind her until she turned her head all the way arond and saw her.

"Master Ti, you must flee! Run for safety and hide the younglings!" Shaak gripped her arm and imformed calmly, "Aayla you are safe," Aayla inhaled and exhaled deeply, them slowed down, and rocked back and forth.

"AAHHH" They both said, they felt the death of their Jedi peers running through them, and the death of the lightside of the Force. The serge of pain was over, after a few excruating seconds, and Shaak decited to explain.

"Aayla, I believe they're gone, all of them. I tryed to reach out but all I sense is darkness, it clouds my vision. He was  the traitor! Anakin stormed in with the 501st Legion and killed all the Jedi at the Jedi Temple. He took us by the dozens. Master Windu, and other Jedi Masters that were at the temple at that time stormed into the Chancellor's office, I'm sorry but they never reported back, I believe they were correct. Palatine was the Sith master we've been looking for all these years. I can't believe he was under our noses. Now the Sith have risen. Aayla, theres nothing we can do about it. I'm sorry."

Tears fleed through both of the woman's eyes. They alone hoping for the safety and survival of their brothers and sisters. Aayla was so shocked she couldn't respond.

Nevertheless managed to mumble, ''Kit.."

Kit Fisto was a fellow Jedi master that Aayla had a forbidden relationship with. That they kept a secret, Jedi weren't allowed to have attachments as it was believed to lead to anger, hate, and envy, all paths to the dark side. Shaak was the only one who knew such a burden, the two were close friends since childhood. Shaak saw the pain and suffering in her friends eyes as the mere name Kit disturbed her.

She began, "Aayla, I'm sorry. I can't imagine what you're going through but we must stay strong and not lose our way, we may be the only surviving Jedi in the galaxy. But if we are we better be damn good ones. I'm sure that's what...Kit-would want us to do."

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