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"It's like you're screaming but no one can hear."

"I fell in love with you, not for how you look, just the way you are."

"I'd say I love you but you won't care."

"I miss the old me. I miss the happy me. Everything has changed."

"I'm tired of fighting. For once, I want to be fought for."

"Hurt me with the truth. But, never comfort me with a lie."

"Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually."

"I lied because I don't want you to know how much it hurt me."

"Sometimes when I say 'I'm okay,' I need someone to look me in the eyes, hug me tight, and say 'I know you're not.'"

"This is for the 'I'm fine' girls- the girls whose heart are actually breaking, the girls who smile and nod, the girls who are madly in love with a boy, the girls who blink back their tears, the girls who secretly cry themselves to sleep, the girls who listen to sad music alone, the girls who stare longingly at couples, because despite what we tell everyone else, we are not fine. We are not fine at all."

"I'm fine. Wait, no I'm not. But you don't care, do you? and you never did, right?"

"I'm fine. (i'm not fine, please help me) I'm just tired. (i can't take this anymore) I already ate. (i starve myself) Go away. (show me you care enough to stay) I'm just cold. (i don't want you to see my scars) I'm better, I promise. (i've never been this bad) I'm okay. (i just want to die)"

"'Are you okay?' always the same question. 'I'm fine' always the same lie."

"I'm sorry I'm not perfect. I'm sorry I cut. I'm sorry I break my promises. I'm sorry I want to give up. I'm sorry I want to give up. I'm sorry I want to die. I'm sorry I want to kill myself. I'm sorry I hide my emotions. I'm sorry I lie and say I'm fine. I'm sorry I'm pushing you away."

"I'm getting worse and you don't know........"

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