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"Physically, I am here. Mentally, I am far, far away."

"Smiling has always been easier than explaining why you're sad."

"Maybe I'm just too fucking complicated for anyone to love."

"What's wrong with me?"

"I hate who I am. I hate everything about me."

"I get lost inside my head."

"You can't sell dreams to a person who has only seen nightmares."

"I'm not living, I'm just surviving."

"Well, thanks for hurting me. I'll just pretend that I'm okay."

"Sometimes, the person who tries to keep everyone happy is the most lonely person."

"Death seems more inviting than life."

"My silence is just another word for my pain."

"I'm slowly giving up."

"Emotionally, I'm done. Mentally, I'm drained. Spiritually, I'm dead. Physically, I smile."

"Save me from my mind."

"I feel like I bother people just by being alive."

"I feel guilty for being alive."

"I wish I was enough for someone."

"If this is how my life is going to be, I don't want it anymore."

"A beautiful girl with gorgeous eyes: a hidden world of hurt and lies."

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