Moving On With A Grier

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Chapter One

"Hayes, I don't know." I say, running a hand through my now dirty blonde hair, that reaches just past my butt.

"Come on G, we've been dating for 5 years now, and were 17. We need a place of our own!" Hayes says, grabbing both my hands, and looking me in the eyes.

"I don't know." I look down at my new basketball shoes I just put on. I'm about to leave for my last year at my favorite basketball camp down here. First week of summer, too.

"Gianna Smith, I love you with all my heart. I've never looked at a girl the way I've looked at you for the past 5 years of my life. The past 5 best years of my life. Now, I'm asking you, will you please move in with me. We can go apartment hunting together, we can find the perfect place, too. Money is not the problem anymore, its just you and me." Hayes puts a finger under my chin, and bring my head back up. I look him right in the eyes, and then he kisses me. Just like our first kiss, sparks fly, and I feel butterflies in my stomach. At this moment, I knew my answer.

"Yes." I say after we pull apart.

"What?" Hayes asks I disbelief.

"Yes, Hayes, I'll move in with you. It would be my pleasure." I giggle. He laughs, and picks me up and spins me around, planting another kiss in my lips.

"I'll drive you to basketball?" he offers.

"Lets go." I smile. Our hands intertwine, and he leads us out to his new, white convertible. Lucky Hayes, I get an old, beat down small chevy car. Atleast, I think its a chevy car. You cant even see the logo anymore.


"How was it today?" Hayes asks me after I get out of camp.

"Great, I love the instuctor." I smile, as we hop into his car.

"Now, we have to persuade our parents for us to move out together." Hayes laughs, as we pull out of the high-school parking lot, thats where they had camp this year, and every year following.

Whats happened in the past 4 years? Me and Hayes did online school for 8th grade. After that, we decded to attend high-school. I automatically made varsity soccer and basketball, but I only made freshman softball. I never did get to varsity softball, but I made it to JV sophmore year. Hayes, on the other hand, made both varsity football and basketball.

Highschool was a great experience. Prom was my favorite paer, and home-coming. They were so much fun, I finally had my first dance. It was deffinatly a night to remember, all the dancing, goofing around.

Throughout highschool, I also met my bestfriend here in North Carolina. Other than Layla, I know have Ella. She's one of the sweetest people you could ever meet. I met her first day of freshman year. Me, her, and Layla stayed best friends all 4 years, and we still are today. We even have a vacation planned out. Me, Layla, Ella, Hayes, Dylan, Tyler. Hayes stayed friends with mostly the people he already knew.

Once we finally arrive home, we walk inside, and find our moms talking, sitting at the kitchen table.

"Hey guys." Mom smiles.

"Hey mom, can we talk to you about something?" I ask. They nod there heads, and ma and Hayes take a seat.

"Well, you guys know how we've been dating for 5 years." Hayes begins.

"And we just graduated high-school." I say, as Hayes nods his head.

"Well, we want to move out." Hayes simply puts it. Elizabeth sips out her coffee, and Mom drops her coffee mug, coffee spilling everywhere. I wish we got that reaction on video.

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